User device Data Type

A user device defined in the system.

Name Type Description
links array of Link Links from this user device to related resources. Possible link relationships include:
  • user: User detail associated with this user device.
guid string GUID of the user device.
checkedOut boolean Indicates whether this device is checked out.
clientVersion string Device client version.
dynamicsDeviceId string Dynamics device id.
enrollmentType array of string Device enrollment type.
language string Device language.
lastContactTime string Date and time of the last known contact with the device.
loggingExpiryDate string Date and time that detailed logging expires (or expired).
loggingStatus string Current detailed logging status.
device Device Device hardware details for this device.
service Service Service details for this device.


  "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
  "checkedOut" : false,
  "clientVersion" : "12.1.31",
  "dynamicsDeviceId" : "kzsaj8JeVGtyWU6RY7Zh0jidClQ7BwKg",
  "enrollmentType" : [ "MDM_CONTROLS", "..." ],
  "language" : "en_US",
  "lastContactTime" : "2017-01-01T11:04:30.45Z",
  "loggingExpiryDate" : "...",
  "loggingStatus" : "...",
  "device" : {
    "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
    "activationDate" : "2017-01-01T11:04:30.45Z",
    "activeSyncId" : "K6CKULJTID3SDEAIV0ELHBBTTO",
    "batteryLevel" : 57.0,
    "compromised" : false,
    "externalStorageFree" : 11517.0,
    "externalStorageSize" : 32768.0,
    "hardwareModel" : "iPhone 5c (GSM)",
    "hardwareName" : "iPhone5,3",
    "hardwareVendorCompanyName" : "Apple Inc",
    "homeCarrier" : "Rogers",
    "internalStorageFree" : 3556.0,
    "internalStorageSize" : 4950.0,
    "imei" : "01 400000 155119 5",
    "meid" : "01234567890123456",
    "os" : "iOS 10.2",
    "osFamilyName" : "ios",
    "osVersion" : "10.2",
    "ownership" : "CORPORATE",
    "phoneNumber" : "4045551234",
    "pin" : "...",
    "securityPatchLevel" : "...",
    "serialNumber" : "FCFPL5T3G07J",
    "udid" : "d88496fdf7115ac9f3ab69966cbaf91d960b95036fa68f66489c8ad78f136b5c",
    "wifiMacAddress" : "b4:52:7e:62:a5:9a"
  "service" : {
    "guid" : "f1c4a4e2-a1b6-4b6d-9276-086858eede0e",
    "name" : "mdm",
    "displayName" : "..."