Device Data Type

A device defined in the system.

Name Type Description
links array of Link Links from this device to related resources. Possible link relationships include:
  • userDevice: User device(s) associated with this device.
guid string GUID of the device.
activationDate string Device activation date/time.
activeSyncId string Exchange ActiveSync ID.
batteryLevel number Reported device battery level, in percent. 100.0 indicates fully charged.
compromised boolean Compromised device status.
externalStorageFree number Device external storage available in MB.
externalStorageSize number Device external storage size in MB.
hardwareModel string Device hardware model.
hardwareName string Device hardware name.
hardwareVendorCompanyName string Device hardware vendor company name.
homeCarrier string Device home carrier.
internalStorageFree number Device internal storage available in MB.
internalStorageSize number Device internal storage size in MB.
imei string Device IMEI.
meid string Device MEID.
os string Device OS.
osEdition string Device OS edition. See: Microsoft OSEdition Enumeration for details.
osFamilyName string Device OS family name.
osVersion string Device OS version.
ownership string Device ownership type.
phoneNumber string Device phone number.
pin string Device PIN.
securityPatchLevel string Device security patch level.
serialNumber string Device serial number.
udid string Device UDID.
wifiMacAddress string Device WIFI MAC address.


  "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
  "activationDate" : "2017-01-01T11:04:30.45Z",
  "batteryLevel" : 57.0,
  "compromised" : false,
  "externalStorageFree" : 11517.0,
  "externalStorageSize" : 32768.0,
  "hardwareModel" : "iPhone 5c (GSM)",
  "hardwareName" : "iPhone5,3",
  "hardwareVendorCompanyName" : "Apple Inc",
  "homeCarrier" : "Rogers",
  "internalStorageFree" : 3556.0,
  "internalStorageSize" : 4950.0,
  "imei" : "01 400000 155119 5",
  "meid" : "01234567890123456",
  "os" : "iOS 10.2",
  "osFamilyName" : "ios",
  "osVersion" : "10.2",
  "ownership" : "CORPORATE",
  "phoneNumber" : "4045551234",
  "pin" : "...",
  "securityPatchLevel" : "...",
  "serialNumber" : "FCFPL5T3G07J",
  "udid" : "d88496fdf7115ac9f3ab69966cbaf91d960b95036fa68f66489c8ad78f136b5c",
  "wifiMacAddress" : "b4:52:7e:62:a5:9a"