Application Data Type

An application instance defined in the system.

Name Type Description
guid string GUID of the application.
name string Name of the application.
os string OS of the application.
sourceName string Name of the application source.
storeName string Name of the application store.
securedType string Secured type of the application.
vendorName string Vendor of the application.
version string Version of the application.


  "guid" : "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8",
  "name" : "sampleApplication",
  "os" : "ios",
  "sourceName" : "In Store",
  "storeName" : "iTunes",
  "securedType" : "BlackBerry Dynamics",
  "vendorName" : "BlackBerry Limited",
  "version" : "1.2.34"