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GDStorageFileCopyAsync Method (IGDStorageFolder, String, NameCollisionOption)
Creates a copy of the file in the specified folder and renames the copy. This method also specifies what to do if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder.

Namespace:  GD
Assembly:  GD (in GD.dll) Version:
public IAsyncOperation<GDStorageFile> CopyAsync(
	IGDStorageFolder destinationFolder,
	string desiredNewName,
	NameCollisionOption option


Type: GDIGDStorageFolder
The destination folder where the copy of the file is created.
Type: SystemString
The new name for the copy of the file created in the destinationFolder.
Type: Windows.StorageNameCollisionOption
One of the enumeration values that determines how to handle the collision if a file with the specified desiredNewName already exists in the destination folder.

Return Value

Type: IAsyncOperationGDStorageFile
When this method completes, it returns a GDStorageFile that represents the copy of the file created in the destinationFolder.


IGDStorageFileCopyAsync(IGDStorageFolder, String, NameCollisionOption)
AccessDeniedException(C# equivalent: System.UnauthorizedAccessException) Secure storage was remotely wiped.
Exception Name you specify is invalid. To handle all the ways the specified name could be invalid, you must catch all of these exceptions:
This method uses the FailIfExists value from the NameCollisionOption enumeration by default. That is, this method raises an exception if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder. If you want to handle a file name collision in a different way, call the CopyAsync(IGDStorageFolder, String, NameCollisionOption) method.
The following example shows how to get the folder that has the specified absolute path in the SDK secure storage.
using GD;


    // Get the app's secure folder.
    GDStorageFolder secureFolder = GDWindows.Instance.SecureFolder;

    // Create a sample file in the secure folder.
    string newFileName = "test.txt";
    GDStorageFile newFile = await tempFolder.CreateFileAsync(newFileName);

    // Get folder from secure folder
    GDStorageFolder folder = secureFolder.GetFolderAsync("folder");

    // Specify a new name for the copied file.
    string renamedFileName = "renamed_test.txt";

    // Copy the file to the destination folder and rename it.
    // Replace the existing file if the file already exists.
    GDStorageFile copiedFile =
        await newFile.CopyAsync(folder,
            renamedFileName, NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
See Also