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IGDStorageFolder Interface

Manipulates SDK secure folders and their contents, and provides information about them.

Note If you simply want to work with SDK secure folders in your app, see the GDStorageFolder class.

Namespace:  GD
Assembly:  GD (in GD.dll) Version:
public interface IGDStorageFolder : IGDStorageItem

The IGDStorageFolder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAttributes
Gets the attributes of a storage item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public propertyDateCreated
Gets the date and time when the current item was created.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public propertyEncryptedPath
Gets the encrypted path of the item in secure storage, if the item has a path.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the item including the file name extension if there is one.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public propertyPath
Gets the full file-system path of the item, if the item has a path.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodCreateFileAsync(String)
Creates a new file in the current folder.
Public methodCreateFileAsync(String, CreationCollisionOption)
Creates a new file in the current folder, and specifies what to do if a file with the same name already exists in the current folder.
Public methodCreateFolderAsync(String)
Creates a new folder in the current folder.
Public methodCreateFolderAsync(String, CreationCollisionOption)
Creates a new folder in the current folder, and specifies what to do if a folder with the same name already exists in the current folder.
Public methodDeleteAsync
Deletes the current item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodDeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption)
Deletes the current item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodGetBasicPropertiesAsync
Gets the basic properties of the current item (like a file or folder).
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodGetFileAsync
Gets the specified file from the current folder.
Public methodGetFilesAsync
Gets all the files from the current folder.
Public methodGetFolderAsync
Gets the specified folder from the current folder.
Public methodGetFoldersAsync
Gets all the folders in the current folder.
Public methodGetItemAsync
Gets the specified item from the IGDStorageFolder.
Public methodGetItemsAsync
Gets all the items from the current folder.
Public methodIsOfType
Determines whether the current IGDStorageItem matches the specified StorageItemTypes value.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodRenameAsync(String)
Renames the current item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodRenameAsync(String, NameCollisionOption)
Renames the current item. This method also specifies what to do if an existing item in the current item's location has the same name.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
See Also
