Getting Started

Here’s how to get started with the Partner Application

Create a Partner Application

  1. Log into the Multi-Tenant Console, select Settings, then select Application.
  2. Click Add New Application.
  3. Enter a name and privileges.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Copy Application ID (Guid) and Application Secret (Hash) to a text file.
    • If you lose the Application Secret, you will have to regenerate a new one. This cannot be retrieved from the MTC application.
  6. Click OK.

Generate a Bearer Token

  1. Import the example JSON file into Postman.
  2. Select the /{region_code}/auth endpoint.
    • {{baseUrl}} is
    • region_code is the MTC region you sign into.
    • Full URL for the US login region would be{region_code}/auth.
  3. Click on the Authorization Tab.
  4. Select Basic Auth from the Type drop down.
  5. Enter your Application ID as Username and your Application Secret as Password.
    • Under the Headers Tab, in the Temporary Headers drop down you should see an Authorization header with a value of Basic {base64Hash}.
  6. Click on the Body Tab.
  7. The x-www-form-urlencoded radio button should be selected.
  8. The value of grant_type must be client_credentials.
  9. The value of scope must be api.
  10. Click Send.
  11. The API will respond with a 200 response code and a token response object as the following:
	"access_token": string,
	"expires_in": int,
	"token_type": string
  1. The access_token will be used in all subsequent calls as the Bearer token.

Making Your First Call to Health Check

  1. Select the /{region_code}/health-check endpoint.
    • {{baseUrl}} is
    • region_code is the MTC region you sign into.
    • Full URL for the US login region would be
  2. You should receive 200 response code and string return like the following:
   "Version": x.x.x.x | Environment: 'Production'"