A DEP account defined in the system.
Name | Type | constraints | Description |
serverToken | string | Server Token of the Dep Account. | |
devicesNotAssignedCount | number | required int | Count of devices not assigned to the DEP Account. |
devicesAssignedCount | number | required int | Count of devices assigned to the DEP Account. |
devicesPushedCount | number | required int | Count of devices pushed to the DEP Account. |
totalDevicesCount | number | required int | Total device count for the DEP Account. |
guid | string | GUID of the account. | |
name | string | Name of the account. | |
tokenExpiryDate | string | Date/time when account token will be expired. |
{ "serverToken" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiAiMTIzNDU2IiwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjA5NjEwNzB9.6YmK8Q0fXh7qyZQ2Z3v4uJbQq8QJt9X2Wz8e0l3rQz8", "devicesNotAssignedCount" : 5, "devicesAssignedCount" : 5, "devicesPushedCount" : 5, "totalDevicesCount" : 5, "guid" : "2d2d3a7f-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554", "name" : "Finance Department", "tokenExpiryDate" : "2021-07-23T14:04:30.45Z" }