DEP Account Device Summary Data Type

A DEP account defined in the system.

Name Type constraints Description
serverToken string   Server Token of the Dep Account.
devicesNotAssignedCount number required int Count of devices not assigned to the DEP Account.
devicesAssignedCount number required int Count of devices assigned to the DEP Account.
devicesPushedCount number required int Count of devices pushed to the DEP Account.
totalDevicesCount number required int Total device count for the DEP Account.
guid string   GUID of the account.
name string   Name of the account.
tokenExpiryDate string   Date/time when account token will be expired.


  "serverToken" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiAiMTIzNDU2IiwgImV4cCI6IDE2MjA5NjEwNzB9.6YmK8Q0fXh7qyZQ2Z3v4uJbQq8QJt9X2Wz8e0l3rQz8",
  "devicesNotAssignedCount" : 5,
  "devicesAssignedCount" : 5,
  "devicesPushedCount" : 5,
  "totalDevicesCount" : 5,
  "guid" : "2d2d3a7f-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
  "name" : "Finance Department",
  "tokenExpiryDate" : "2021-07-23T14:04:30.45Z"