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Workspaces Methods

The Workspaces type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddEntityToDocumentV30
Adds permitted entity to workspace with no permissions outside of the given folder.
Public methodAddEntityToFolderV30
Adds permitted entity to workspace with no permissions outside of the given folder.
Public methodAddEntityV30
This call adds a new entity to a workspace. Only groups domains users and "everyone" may be direct members of a VDR. other entities (like distributionlists) need to be members of a room group in order to gain permission to the room.
Public methodAddFolderPermissionRequestV30
Adds a new permission request for folder.
Public methodAddMembersToGroupV30
Adds members (users) to a group.
Public methodAddMembersV30
Adds members to a workspace.
Public methodAddPermissionsV30
Adds permissions for entities (users/groups/domains) to a set of files in a workspace. Permissions can be eg copy, print, edit, download etc.
Public methodAddTagsV30
Adds tags to a list of files. Tags can be numerical, free text or datestamps.
Public methodChangeDefaultPermissionsBulkV30
Changes default permissions of a permitted entity in a workspace.
Public methodChangeDefaultPermissionsV30
Changes default permissions of a permitted entity in a workspace.
Public methodCopyDocumentsFromRoomsToExchangeAsyncV30
Submits files in Sent items (asynchronous).
Public methodCopyDocumentsFromRoomsToExchangeV30
Submits files in Sent items. This submits room files to recipients within SDS the files will be copied from the room to SDS
Public methodCopyMembershipV30
Copies membership (of several users) to another existing user.
Public methodCreateExternalFoldersTreeV30
Creates a folder in a workspace for each external folder in the tree.
Public methodCreateFoldersBulkV30
Creates a folder in a workspace with a specified path. the workspace in which the folder is to be created.
Public methodCreateFoldersInFolderIfNewV30
Creates a folder in a workspace with a specified parent ID and name.
Public methodCreateFoldersInFolderV30
Creates a folder in a workspace with a specified parent ID and name.
Public methodCreateFoldersTreeAsyncV30
Creates a folder in a workspace for each folder in the tree asynchronous.
Public methodCreateFoldersTreeV30
Creates a folder in a workspace for each folder in the tree.
Public methodCreateFoldersV30 Obsolete.
Creates a folder in a workspace with a specified path.
Public methodCreateNewDocumentV30
Create new empty document
Public methodCreateRoomV30
Creates a workspace. Assign a name, description and list of administrators for the room.
Public methodDeleteDocumentsBulkV30
Deletes files and/or folders. The files and folders can be in different rooms (workspaces) ??
Public methodDeleteDocumentsV30
Deletes files and/or folders from a workspace.
Public methodDeleteEntitiesV30
Deletes entities from a workspace. All permissions for the entity in the room will be revoked as well.
Public methodDeleteFolderV30
Deletes a folder and all of its subfolders and files from a workspace. The user must have sufficient rights to delete the folders.
Public methodDeleteRoomV30(String) Obsolete.
Delete a room.
Public methodDeleteRoomV30(DeleteRoomJson)
Deletes a workspace and all its contents. The deletion can be recoverable (from the recycle bin) or permanent.
Public methodDocumentUploadCompleteV30
Completes the already uploaded by chunks file.
Public methodDownloadDocumentsWithRecycleBinFormV30
Downloads files from the Recycle bin (Form) for a given workspace.
Public methodDownloadDocumentsWithRecycleBinV30
Downloads files from the recycle bin for a given workspace. allowed for workspace admins only
Public methodDownloadGenericDocumentsV30
Creates and downloads a ZIP file containing all (original and protected) files in a specified workspace.
Public methodDownloadOriginalDocumentsV30 Obsolete.
Creates and downloads a ZIP file containing original files.
Public methodDownloadProtectedDocumentsV30 Obsolete.
Creates and streams a ZIP file containing protected files.
Public methodDownloadSingleRecycleBinDocumentV30
Downloads the original version of the file. Allowed only for workspace admins
Public methodEditFoldersAndDocumentsSettingsBulkV30
Edit folder permission settings - whether the folder should inherit permissions from its parent, and whether to force descendants inherit.
Public methodEditFolderSettingsV30 Obsolete.
Edit folder permission settings - whether the folder should inherit permissions from its parent, and whether to force descendants inherit.
Public methodEditManagersToGroupV30
Edit managers on groups ( set or unset manager properties for users).
Public methodEditPermissionsV30
Edit permissions for a list of files for a list of entities (users, groups, etc).
Public methodEditRoomV30
Renames a workspace.
Public methodEntityListV30
List the workspace entities (groups/domain/users) that are members of the workspace. This may only be done by users that have CRUD entities privileges.
Public methodEntityPagedListV30
List the room entities (groups/domain/everyone) that are members of the room. This may only be done by users that have CRUD entities privileges. This request returns a paged list
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExportGroupLogToJsonV30
Exports the workspace groups log to JSON.
Public methodExportGroupLogV30
Exports the workspace groups log.
Public methodFoldersReadConfirmationEditV30
set the default read confirmation flag for folders
Public methodGenerateGuidV30
Creates a GUID for a new file.
Public methodGetActivityLogV30 Obsolete.
Gets the activity log for a specific file. The log returns details of all access activities for the file by any user or group.
Public methodGetBulkEmailDataV30
Gets data for bulk email notifications.
Public methodGetDocumentGUIDV30
Gets a document GUID.
Public methodGetDocumentInfoV30
Gets information about a specific file in a workspace. The information includes the file name, permissions, time of last update, date most recently viewed, expiry date, tags, etc.
Public methodGetDocumentLinksV30
Gets links for a file in a workspace. The link is a URI for the file.
Public methodGetExternalTransactionStatusV30
Gets external transaction status.
Public methodGetFolderInfoV30
Get info for a folder if it has been updated later than a specified date. Info returned is folder name, subfolders, update date.
Public methodGetFolderLinksV30
Gets links for a folder in a workspace. The link is a URI for the folder.
Public methodGetFolderTreeV30
Gets the tree of all folders and subfolders in a specified workspace.
Public methodGetGroupInfoV30
Gets information about a group in a workspace.
Public methodGetGroupsV30
Gets a list of all groups in a specified workspace.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetInfoForAdminV30
Gets workspace info. The info includes the name, creation date, deletion date, URL, product, access level, whether workspace is shared, explicit
Public methodGetInfoV30
Gets workspace info. The info includes the name, creation date, deletion date, URL, product, access level, whether workspace is shared, explicit
Public methodGetInitialSyncStateForExternalRoomV30
Applies a decision on a request.
Public methodGetInviteTextV30(String, String)
Gets invite email message for workspace.
Public methodGetInviteTextV30(String, String, String)
Gets invite email message for file.
Public methodGetPermissionsV30
Returns all permitted entities permitted to the workspace.
Public methodGetRoomLinksV30
Returns the URL link to a workspace.
Public methodGetRoomsTagValuesV30
Gets a list of tags for a list of the user's workspaces.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInviteV30(String, InviteJson)
Invite groups to a workspace.
Public methodInviteV30(String, String, InviteJson)
Invites groups to a specific file in a workspace.
Public methodListDocumentsForAdminV30
Lists all files in a specified workspace for admin console requests.
Public methodListDocumentsV30
Requests a list of all files in a specified workspace.
Public methodListFolderDefaultPermissionsV30
Available for workspace admins only. Shows permissions for each of the default entities in given folder
Public methodListFolderPermissionRequestsV30
Lists existing permissions requests for folder or the entire workspace where the root folder is supplied.
Public methodListFolderPermissionsBulkV30
Available for workspace admins only. Shows aggregation of permissions of folders (not including expiration date)
Public methodListFoldersAndDocumentsV30
Lists all folders and files in the specified workspace.
Public methodListLastResolvedFolderPermissionRequestsV30
Lists last resolved permission requests on folder.
Public methodListPermissionDetailsV30
Lists permission details for files and folders bulkly for all entities in the room.
Public methodListRoomsByTypeV30
Public methodListRoomsForAdminV30
Retrieves a list of all the workspaces for a user with VIEW_ALL_ROOMS capability.
Public methodListRoomsV30
Retrieves a list of all the workspaces of the current user.
Public methodListWorkspaceGroupMembershipsForUserV30
Lists groups in the workspace for a user.
Public methodListWorkspacesRecycleBinDocumentsV30
Lists files in the workspace Recycle bin. The recycle bin holds files from workspaces that have been deleted, but not permanently.
Public methodListWorkspacesRecycleBinWorkspacesV30
Lists workspaces in the workspaces Recycle bin. The recycle bin holds workspaces that have been deleted, but not permanently.
Public methodLoadToCacheV30
Adds a workspace to cache (saved for offline).
Public methodLockDocumentsV30
Locks files.
Public methodMarkRoomAsExplicitV30
Marks a workspace as explicit.
Public methodMarkV30(MarkDocumentsSelectionJson)
Marks a specified list of files with a mark.
Public methodMarkV30(String, MarkDocumentsSelectionVdrJson)
Marks a specified list of files in a workspace.
Public methodModifyGroupV30
Use this function when you wish to change a group that already exists in the workspace. You can change the group name and the group identifier with this function.
Public methodMoveAllV30
Moves all files from one folder in a workspace to another folder.
Public methodMoveDocumentV30
Moves a file in a workspace to a new folder.
Public methodMoveFolderIntoFolderV30
Moves a folder in a workspace (and its contents) to a new location within the same workspace.
Public methodMoveFolderV30
Moves a folder in a workspace (and its contents) to a new location within the same workspace.
Public methodMoveV30
Moves files in a workspace folder to a different folder within the same workspace.
Public methodOpenForAllRoomV30
Sets a workspace to be open to all entities (users, groups, domains etc).
Public methodRemoveAllTagsV30
Removes all tags for a specified file.
Public methodRemoveClassificationV30 Obsolete.
Removes classification from the given files. Notice that force action is not supported for this action.
Public methodRemoveMembersFromGroupV30
Removes members (users) from a group.
Public methodRemoveTagsV30
Removes specified tags from a list of files.
Public methodRemoveUserFromRoomDeprecatedV30 Obsolete.
Removes a user from all the room groups. This will effectively revoke permissions from the room for this user, unless the user's domain is a member in the room, or the administrator opened the room for everyone.
Public methodRenameDocumentV30
Renames a file in a workspace.
Public methodRenameFolderV30
Renames a folder within a workspace.
Public methodResolveActionForFolderPermissionRequestV30
Applies a decision on a request.
Public methodRestoreWorkspacesRecycleBinDocumentsV30
Restores files from Recycle bin. Files are restored to their original workspaces and removed from the recycle bin.
Public methodRestoreWorkspacesRecycleBinWorkspacesV30
Restores workspaces from Recycle bin.
Public methodRevokePermissionsV30
Revokes all permissions for a list of entities (users, groups etc) for a list of files in a workspace.
Public methodSearchDocumentsForAdminV30
For use in Admin console: Search for files in workspaces according to a search string. In order to search Tag fields you should use the following syntax in the query String: query = "tagName1: (value1 OR value2) tagName2: (value3) This query will fetch all files that have value1 or value2 for tagName 1 and also have value 3 for tagName 2) it's also possible to put OR between the two tagNames.
Public methodSearchDocumentsV30
For use in MyDox: Search for files in workspaces according to a search string. In order to search Tag fields you should use the following syntax in the query String: query = "tagName1: (value1 OR value2) tagName2: (value3) This query will fetch all files that have value1 or value2 for tagName 1 and also have value 3 for tagName 2) it's also possible to put OR between the two tagNames.
Public methodSendBulkEmailV30
Sends bulk email notifications for a list of files to all permitted entities (users, groups etc) for each file. The emails are sent immediately.
Public methodSendEmailV30
Sends email to group of recipients with a message regarding a specific file in a workspace.
Public methodSetClassificationV30 Obsolete.
Sets files classifications.
Public methodSetModifiedDateV30 Obsolete.
Sets file modified date.
Public methodSetSharepointProtectorV30
Sets protect anywhere policy for a workspace.
Public methodSetUpdateDataV30
Sets files update data.
Public methodSubmitDocumentIfNewV30
Submits a file to a room if the file is new (ie not a new version of an existing file). The submit action follows a file upload to a room, and sends, for example, email notifications to entities (users, groups etc).
Public methodSubmitDocumentsV30
Submits files to a workspace. The submit action is requested after files have been uploaded to a workspace, to notify entities (users, groups etc)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlockDocumentsV30
Unlock files.
Public methodUpdateDocumentV30 Obsolete.
Update a file in a workspace. The update action uploads the file to the server and sends an email notification to all entities (users, groups) with permissions for the file.
Public methodUploadBlobV30
Uploads a file to a workspace and generates a new GUID for it.
Public methodUploadDocumentBase64V30
Uploads a file to a workspace in base64.
Public methodUploadDocumentByPostV30(String, String, FileInfo, DeviceType, String, String, Int64, IProgressChanged)
Uploads a file to a workspace.
Public methodUploadDocumentByPostV30(String, String, Stream, DeviceType, String, String, Int64, IProgressChanged)
Uploads a file to a workspace.
Public methodValidateCreateFolderV30
Validates the parameters are ok for adding folder.
Public methodValidateDocumentsToDownloadFromRecycleBinV30
Validates files to download from a Recycle bin.
Public methodValidateDocumentsToDownloadV30(ValidateDownloadDocumentVersionInVdrsJson)
Validates the file versions for download from a list of files.
Public methodValidateDocumentsToDownloadV30(String, ValidateDownloadDocumentsSelectionVdrJson)
Validates a list of files for download from a specific workspace.
See Also