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IGDStorageFile Methods

The IGDStorageFile type exposes the following members.

Public methodCopyAndReplaceAsync
Replaces the specified file with a copy of the current file.
Public methodCopyAsync(IGDStorageFolder)
Creates a copy of the file in the specified folder.
Public methodCopyAsync(IGDStorageFolder, String)
Creates a copy of the file in the specified folder, using the desired name.
Public methodCopyAsync(IGDStorageFolder, String, NameCollisionOption)
Creates a copy of the file in the specified folder, using the desired name. This method also specifies what to do if an existing file in the specified folder has the same name.
Public methodDeleteAsync
Deletes the current item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodDeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption)
Deletes the current item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodGetBasicPropertiesAsync
Gets the basic properties of the current item (like a file or folder).
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodIsOfType
Determines whether the current IGDStorageItem matches the specified StorageItemTypes value.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodMoveAndReplaceAsync
Moves the current file to the location of the specified file and replaces the specified file in that location.
Public methodMoveAsync(IGDStorageFolder)
Moves the current file to the specified folder.
Public methodMoveAsync(IGDStorageFolder, String)
Moves the current file to the specified folder and renames the file according to the desired name.
Public methodMoveAsync(IGDStorageFolder, String, NameCollisionOption)
Moves the current file to the specified folder and renames the file according to the desired name. This method also specifies what to do if a file with the same name already exists in the specified folder.
Public methodOpenAsync
Opens a random-access stream over the file.
Public methodOpenTransactedWriteAsync
Opens a transacted, random-access stream for writing to the file.
Public methodRenameAsync(String)
Renames the current item.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
Public methodRenameAsync(String, NameCollisionOption)
Renames the current item. This method also specifies what to do if an existing item in the current item's location has the same name.
(Inherited from IGDStorageItem.)
See Also