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Application Methods

The Application type exposes the following members.

Public methodExit
Shuts down the app.
(Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodHandleGDMessage
Entry point for GD SDK -> Application communication. All messages sent from GD SDK are handled by this method.
Protected methodInitialize
Virtual method called when application can perform Window/Frame related initialization. When called Window.Current.Content is already initialized to GD Frame and can be accessed by Frame property.
Protected methodNavigate
Shortcut method for performing navigation on application root frame.
Protected methodNavigateToFirstPage
Abstract method called when application should navigate to the very first screen. This happens even before authorization process begins. In most cases application should navigate to splash screen or similar.
Protected methodOnActivated
Entry point for handling incoming URI requests. Used i.a. for AuthDelegation commands interchange.
(Overrides ApplicationOnActivated(IActivatedEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnBackgroundActivated (Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodOnCachedFileUpdaterActivated
Invoked when the application is activated due to an activation contract with ActivationKind as CachedFileUpdater.
(Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodOnFileActivated
Entry point for handling file opening requests. Used i.a. for AppKinetics payload interchange.
(Overrides ApplicationOnFileActivated(FileActivatedEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnFileOpenPickerActivated
Invoked when the application is activated through file-open dialog association.
(Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodOnFileSavePickerActivated
Invoked when the application is activated through file-save dialog association.
(Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodOnLaunched
Entry point for ordinary application launch.
(Overrides ApplicationOnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnSearchActivated
Invoked when the application is activated through a search association.
(Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodOnShareTargetActivated
Invoked when the application is activated through sharing association.
(Inherited from Application.)
Protected methodOnWindowCreated
Stores dispatcher reference for current window context.
(Overrides ApplicationOnWindowCreated(WindowCreatedEventArgs).)
See Also