Users Resource

Provides user management functions.

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users

Available Since:

Search for users.


Sample 1 request

Get the first 100 users sorted by display name in ascending order.

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/users

Sample 1 response body

  "users": [ {
   "links" : [ {
     "rel" : "groups",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/2d2d3a7f-076d-46f9-8c25-56cb8eba2800/groups"
   }, {
     "rel" : "profiles",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/2d2d3a7f-076d-46f9-8c25-56cb8eba2800/profiles"
   } ],
   "guid" : "2d2d3a7f-076d-46f9-8c25-56cb8eba2800",
   "username" : "jromphf",
   "displayName" : "Jake Romphf",
   "firstName" : "Jake",
   "lastName" : "Romphf",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "company" : "BlackBerry Limited",
   "title" : "Associate",
   "department" : "Sales",
   "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100",
   "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101",
   "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102",
   "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue",
   "poBox" : "555",
   "city" : "Waterloo",
   "state" : "Ontario",
   "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9",
   "country" : "Canada"
  }, {
   "links" : [ {
     "rel" : "groups",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
   }, {
     "rel" : "profiles",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
   } ],
   "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
   "username" : "pmorley",
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa"
  } ]

Sample 2 request

Get the first 50 users that have a last name that starts with "M", sorted by username in descending order. If 50 users are returned, there may be more matches that weren't returned. You can get the next "page" of users by sending the same request but also specifying offset=50. If 50 users are returned again, you can get the third "page" of users by modifying the request again and specifying offset=100, and so on.

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/users?query=lastName=m*&max=50&sortBy=username%20DESC

Sample 2 response body

  "users": [ {
   "links" : [ {
     "rel" : "groups",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
   }, {
     "rel" : "profiles",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
   } ],
   "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
   "username" : "pmorley",
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa"
  } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description Type
includeTotal query If you want the total number of users matching the search included in the response (which may be different from the number of users returned) set this to true; otherwise set to false. By default the total will not be included in the response. boolean
max query The maximum number of user results to get, between 1 and 1000 inclusive. If not specified, a value of 100 will be used. int
offset query The number of matching users to exclude from the beginning of the list of users in the response; greater than or equal to 0. If not specified, a value of 0 will be used to indicate that no matches should be excluded. Used in order to get "pages" of results. For example, to get the first 50 matching users, specify max=50 (and optionally offset=0); and to get the next 50 matching users specify max=50 and offset=50, and so on. int
query query Query parameter for filtering the results. The format is <field name>=<query value>, for example Multiple field-value pairs can be provided in the query with each pair separated with a comma, in which case only users matching all of the criteria provided will be included in the response. Querying for empty/null values is not supported.

By default, a case-insensitive exact match will be performed for each field in the query. For fields that support prefix (i.e. starts with) matching, append an asterisk ("*") to the end of the value. For example, to find users that have a last name that start with "M", specify lastName=m*.

Special characters (comma, backslash, asterisk) in query values must be escaped with a backslash.

The following table describes the fields that can be used in the query.

Field Type Description Supports prefix matching
displayName string Display name of the user. Yes
emailAddress string Email address of the user. Yes
username string Username of the user. Yes
guid string GUID of the user. No
directoryId string Unique identifier of the user in a company directory. No
groupGuid string GUID of a directly-assigned group. No
profileGuid string GUID of a directly-assigned profile. No
dynamicsContainerId string GUID of a Dynamics container. If field is specified then any other query fields are ignored. No
sortBy query The field to sort the user results by. The format is <field name> ASC|DESC, where ASC means to sort the results in ascending order and DESC means descending order. For example, to sort the results by emailAddress in descending order, specify emailAddress DESC. If not specified, a value of displayName ASC will be used. The following fields are allowed: username, displayName, firstName, lastName, emailAddress.  
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK (even if no users are found).
400 Invalid search query.
Response Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.users-v1+json Users (JSON)

POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users

Available Since:

Create a directory-linked user (identified by the "directoryId" property). See the "Company directories" resource for searching for directory users. The user will be assigned the highest ranking self-service user role, the All users group, and any default policies and profiles. The user will be enabled for MDM, unless the "mdm" property is set to false.

The fields that are allowed when creating a directory-linked user are: directoryId, mdm. Other fields will be ignored if they are provided, and directory-linked user information (ex. displayName, emailAddress) will be synced from the directory when the user is created.

Sample request body

Create directory user with MDM service

   "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa"

Sample response body

   "links" : [ {
     "rel" : "groups",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
    }, {
     "rel" : "profiles",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
   } ],
   "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
   "username" : "pmorley",
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa",
   "company" : "BlackBerry Limited",
   "title" : "Associate",
   "department" : "Sales",
   "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100",
   "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101",
   "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102",
   "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue",
   "poBox" : "555",
   "city" : "Waterloo",
   "state" : "Ontario",
   "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9",
   "country" : "Canada"

Request Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.directoryuser-v1+json Directory user (JSON)
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
201 User created.
400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
409 User already exists.
Response Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.user-v1+json User (JSON)
Response Headers
Name Description
Location Location of the created user. Can be used to perform a GET request to retrieve the user. Only present when status is 201.

POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users

Available Since:

Create a local user. The user will be assigned the highest ranking self-service user role, the All users group, and any default policies and profiles. The user will be enabled for MDM, unless the "mdm" property is set to false.

The fields that are allowed when creating a local user are: displayName, firstName, lastName, username, emailAddress, password, emailPassword, mdm, company, title, department, officePhoneNumber, homePhoneNumber, mobilePhoneNumber, streetAddress, poBox, city, state, postalCode, country. Other fields will be ignored if they are provided.

If 'emailPassword' is true, the user must have an email address and the SMTP server must be configured in the UEM management console.


Sample request body

Create local user with password (base64-encoded value of "p@55w0rd", and having it emailed to the user) and MDM service

   "username" : "pmorley",
   "password" : "cEA1NXcwcmQ=",
   "emailPassword" : true,
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "company" : "BlackBerry Limited",
   "title" : "Associate",
   "department" : "Sales",
   "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100",
   "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101",
   "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102",
   "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue",
   "poBox" : "555",
   "city" : "Waterloo",
   "state" : "Ontario",
   "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9",
   "country" : "Canada"

Sample response body

   "links" : [ {
     "rel" : "groups",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
    }, {
     "rel" : "profiles",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
   } ],
   "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
   "username" : "pmorley",
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "company" : "BlackBerry Limited",
   "title" : "Associate",
   "department" : "Sales",
   "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100",
   "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101",
   "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102",
   "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue",
   "poBox" : "555",
   "city" : "Waterloo",
   "state" : "Ontario",
   "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9",
   "country" : "Canada"

Sample request body

Create local user without password or MDM service

   "username" : "pmorley",
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : "",
   "mdm": false

Sample response body

   "links" : [ {
     "rel" : "groups",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
    }, {
     "rel" : "profiles",
     "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
   } ],
   "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
   "username" : "pmorley",
   "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
   "firstName" : "Paul",
   "lastName" : "Morley",
   "emailAddress" : ""

Request Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.user-v1+json User (JSON)
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
201 User created.
400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
409 User already exists.
Response Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.user-v1+json User (JSON)
Response Headers
Name Description
Location Location of the created user. Can be used to perform a GET request to retrieve the user. Only present when status is 201.

DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}

Available Since:

Remove the user specified in the URL.

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
userGuid path GUID of the user to remove.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
204 User removed.
    404 User not found.
    409 User has associated services or enrolled devices.

    GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}

    Available Since:

    Get details of a user by GUID.

    Sample response body

       "links" : [ {
         "rel" : "groups",
         "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
        }, {
         "rel" : "profiles",
         "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
       } ],
       "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
       "username" : "pmorley",
       "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
       "firstName" : "Paul",
       "lastName" : "Morley",
       "emailAddress" : "",
       "domain" : "",
       "administrator": true,
       "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa",
       "customVariables" : [{
          "name" : "%custom1%",
          "label" : "Region",
          "value" : "QW1lcmljYXM=",
          "encrypted" : false
         }, {
          "name" : "%custom_pswd1%",
          "label" : "VPN password",
          "value" : "KioqKioq",
          "encrypted" : true
       "company" : "BlackBerry Limited",
       "title" : "Associate",
       "department" : "Sales",
       "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100",
       "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101",
       "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102",
       "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue",
       "poBox" : "555",
       "city" : "Waterloo",
       "state" : "Ontario",
       "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9",
       "country" : "Canada"

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    userGuid path GUID of the user to get
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    200 OK.
    404 User not found.
    Response Body
    Media type Data type
    application/vnd.blackberry.userdetail-v1+json User detail (JSON)

    PATCH /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}

    Available Since:

    Update a local user. The following fields are allowed when updating a local user: password, emailPassword, username, displayName, firstName, lastName, emailAddress, company, title, department, officePhoneNumber, homePhoneNumber, mobilePhoneNumber, streetAddress, poBox, city, state, postalCode, country. Other fields will be ignored if they are provided. Removing username or displayName is not allowed.

    To update a local user's login password, set the 'password' field (base64-encoded). Removing a password is not allowed. The password does not have to meet the password restrictions that have been configured in the UEM management console. To email a new password to the user, set 'emailPassword' to true. By default, the password is not sent to the user. If 'emailPassword' is true, the user must have an email address and the SMTP server must be configured in the management console. The user will be forced to change their password the next time they log in to the management console or UEM Self-Service console.

    Directory-linked users use their directory-configured attributes and password, so only local users are supported. If a directory-linked user is provided, the request will fail.

    To unset a field, set it to null. Fields that are not provided, or that are provided but unchanged will be ignored. If no changes are detected in the request, the response will indicate success without having made any changes to the user.

    Sample request body

    Update local user's password ("cEA1NXcwcmQ=" is the base64-encoded value of "p@55w0rd"), and email it to the user, and unset the "company" field.

       "password" : "cEA1NXcwcmQ=",
       "emailPassword" : true,
       "company" : null

    Sample response body

       "links" : [ {
         "rel" : "groups",
         "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
        }, {
         "rel" : "profiles",
         "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/profiles"
       } ],
       "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
       "username" : "pmorley",
       "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
       "firstName" : "Paul",
       "lastName" : "Morley",
       "emailAddress" : ""

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    userGuid path GUID of the user to update
    Request Body
    Media type Data type
    application/vnd.blackberry.user-v1+json User (JSON)
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    200 OK.
    400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
    404 User not found.
    409 Duplicate username or email address.
    503 SMTP server temporarily unavailable to send emails. Retry the request again later.
    Response Body
    Media type Data type
    application/vnd.blackberry.user-v1+json User (JSON)

    DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/accessPasswords

    Available Since:

    Remove all access passwords for a user.

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    userGuid path GUID of the user.
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    204 Access passwords removed.
      404 User not found.
      Response Body
      Media type Data type
      application/vnd.blackberry.accesspasswords-v1+json Access passwords (JSON)

      GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/accessPasswords

      Available Since:

      Get all access passwords for a user.

      Sample response body

          "accessPasswords" : [ {
            "type" : "ACCESS_KEY",
            "properties" : {
              "accessKey" : "jh5a4-Lo4fn-7sowf",
              "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00"
          }, {
            "type" : "ACCESS_KEY",
            "properties" : {
              "accessKey" : "o76s8-xrcv4-xeck9",
              "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00"
          } ]

      Request Parameters
      Name Location Description
      userGuid path GUID of the user
      Response Codes
      Code Condition Data type
      200 OK.
      404 User not found.
      Response Body
      Media type Data type
      application/vnd.blackberry.accesspasswords-v1+json Access passwords (JSON)

      POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/accessPasswords

      Available Since:

      Update access passwords for a user

      Access password type Description Properties
      DELETE_UNLOCK_ACCESS_KEY Delete an unlock access key.
      Name Type Description
      appGuid String GUID of the app
      userDeviceGuid String GUID of the userDevice
      GENERATE_ACCESS_KEYS Generate access keys.
      Name Type Description
      accessKeyExpiry String The date and time the access key will expire in ISO-8601 format.
      emailTemplateGuid String GUID of the email template (Optional. If set an email will be sent to the user.)
      numberOfKeys Integer The number of keys to generate (Optional. Default is one key.)
      GENERATE_UNLOCK_ACCESS_KEY Generate an access key to unlock an app.
      Name Type Description
      accessKeyExpiry String The date and time the access key will expire in ISO-8601 format. (Optional. Default is one day.)
      appGuid String GUID of the app
      emailTemplateGuid String GUID of the email template (Optional. If set an email will be sent to the user.)
      userDeviceGuid String GUID of the userDevice


      Sample request body

      Generate one or many access keys to activate a BlackBerry Dynamics app.

         "type" : "GENERATE_ACCESS_KEYS",
         "properties" : {
           "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00",
           "emailTemplateGuid" : "932cc0b4-8ff2-469d-9589-a5e1734bdda8",
           "numberOfKeys" : 2

      Sample response body

          "accessPasswords" : [ {
            "type" : "ACCESS_KEY",
            "properties" : {
              "accessKey" : "jh5a4-Lo4fn-7sowf",
              "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00"
          }, {
            "type" : "ACCESS_KEY",
            "properties" : {
              "accessKey" : "o76s8-xrcv4-xeck9",
              "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00"
          } ]

      Sample 2 request body

      Generate an access key to unlock a BlackBerry Dynamics app.

         "type" : "GENERATE_UNLOCK_ACCESS_KEY",
         "properties" : {
           "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00",
           "appGuid" : "07ce5bb9-59a5-4095-ae84-079e6b3f2dcf",
           "emailTemplateGuid" : "932cc0b4-8ff2-469d-9589-a5e1734bdda8",
           "userDeviceGuid" : "b9cc63c1-ae0c-4cd0-bc6b-a3a11a921b38"

      Sample 2 response body

          "accessPasswords" : [ {
            "type" : "UNLOCK_ACCESS_KEY",
            "properties" : {
              "accessKey" : "1owag-juodq-h93k1",
              "accessKeyExpiry" : "2017-07-12T14:54:02.947-04:00"
          } ]

      Request Parameters
      Name Location Description
      userGuid path GUID of the user
      Request Body
      Media type Data type
      application/vnd.blackberry.accesspassword-v1+json Access password (JSON)
      Response Codes
      Code Condition Data type
      201 Access password(s) created.
      400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
      404 User not found.
      Response Body
      Media type Data type
      application/vnd.blackberry.accesspasswords-v1+json Access passwords (JSON)

      DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/activationPasswords

      Available Since:

      Expire all activation passwords for a user. An expired activation password is no longer valid to be used for device activation. 204 return status is still returned if the user has no activation passwords.

      Request Parameters
      Name Location Description
      userGuid path The GUID of the user
      Response Codes
      Code Condition Data type
      204 Activation password(s) expired.
        404 User not found.

        GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/activationPasswords

        Available Since:

        Get all non-expired activation passwords for a user.

        Sample response body

        The passwords are "******" in base64 encoding.

            "activationPasswords" : [ {
              "guid" : "ee970507-b08f-43ad-853b-27a4d3e41129",
              "password" : "KioqKioq",
              "expiry" : "2016-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00",
              "expireAfterUse" : true,
              "emailTemplate" : {
                "guid" : "b82021dc-8020-41c9-a756-4318c968e95e",
                "name" : "Basic Activation Template"
            }, {
              "guid" : "173a989c-c67e-446d-9a94-ba7db854fd5c",
              "password" : "KioqKioq",
              "expiry" : "2016-08-01T12:41:38.41-05:00",
              "expireAfterUse" : false,
              "activationProfile" : {
                "guid" : "07b54042-b375-47e9-a50d-3d6f94654689",
                "name" : "BYOD Activation Profile"
            } ]

        Request Parameters
        Name Location Description
        userGuid path The GUID of the user
        Response Codes
        Code Condition Data type
        200 OK.
        404 User not found.
        Response Body
        Media type Data type
        application/vnd.blackberry.activationpasswords-v1+json Activation passwords (JSON)

        POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/activationPasswords

        Available Since:

        Set one or more activation passwords for a user. If emailing an activation password to the user, the user must have an email address. To send activation email messages to users, the SMTP server must be configured.

        Sample request body

        Auto-generate and email a default device activation password and manually set an activation password (base64-encoded value of "abc123") with a specified activation profile without sending an email

            "activationPasswords" : [ {
              "password" : null,
              "expiry" : "2016-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00",
              "expireAfterUse" : true,
              "activationProfile" : null,
              "emailTemplate" : {
                "guid" : "eb14fc60-c6f7-4e67-b312-6612518fa0a5"
            }, {
              "password" : "YWJjMTIz",
              "expiry" : "2016-08-01T12:41:38.41-05:00",
              "expireAfterUse" : null
              "activationProfile" : {
                "name" : "BYOD Activation Profile"
              "emailTemplate" : null
            } ]

        Sample response body

        The passwords are "******" in base64 encoding.

            "activationPasswords" : [ {
              "guid" : "ee970507-b08f-43ad-853b-27a4d3e41129",
              "password" : "KioqKioq",
              "expiry" : "2016-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00",
              "expireAfterUse" : true,
              "emailTemplate" : {
                "guid" : "eb14fc60-c6f7-4e67-b312-6612518fa0a5",
                "name" : "Corporate Activation Email"
            }, {
              "guid" : "173a989c-c67e-446d-9a94-ba7db854fd5c",
              "password" : "KioqKioq",
              "expiry" : "2016-08-01T12:41:38.41-05:00",
              "expireAfterUse" : false,
              "activationProfile" : {
                "guid" : "07b54042-b375-47e9-a50d-3d6f94654689",
                "name" : "BYOD Activation Profile"
            } ]

        Request Parameters
        Name Location Description
        userGuid path The GUID of the user
        Request Body
        Media type Data type
        application/vnd.blackberry.activationpasswords-v1+json Activation passwords (JSON)
        Response Codes
        Code Condition Data type
        201 Activation password(s) created.
        400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
        404 User not found.
        409 Non-unique activation password or too many activation passwords specified.
        503 SMTP server temporarily unavailable to send emails. Retry the request again later.
        Response Body
        Media type Data type
        application/vnd.blackberry.activationpasswords-v1+json Activation passwords (JSON)

        PUT /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/activationPasswords

        Available Since:

        Replace all activation passwords for a user. All existing passwords are expired and replaced by the list provided. Providing an empty list will expire all existing activation passwords for the user.

        If emailing an activation password to the user, the user must have an email address. To send activation email messages to users, the SMTP server must be configured.

        See POST request with the same path for sample request and response.

        Request Parameters
        Name Location Description
        userGuid path The GUID of the user
        Request Body
        Media type Data type Description
        application/vnd.blackberry.activationpasswords-v1+json Activation passwords (JSON) The collection of activation passwords to set
        Response Codes
        Code Condition Data type
        201 Activation password(s) created.
        400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
        404 User not found.
        409 Non-unique activation password or too many activation passwords specified.
        503 SMTP server temporarily unavailable to send emails. Retry the request again later.
        Response Body
        Media type Data type
        application/vnd.blackberry.activationpasswords-v1+json Activation passwords (JSON)

        DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/activationPasswords/{activationPasswordGuid}

        Available Since:

        Expire a specific activation password for a user. An expired activation password is no longer valid to be used for device activation.

        Request Parameters
        Name Location Description
        activationPasswordGuid path The GUID of the activation password to expire
        userGuid path The GUID of the user
        Response Codes
        Code Condition Data type
        204 Activation password expired.
          404 User or activation password not found.

          GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/applications

          Available Since:

          Get all applications directly assigned to a user.

          Sample response body

              "applicationAssignments" : [ {
                "application" : {
                  "guid" : "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8",
                  "os": "ios",
                  "sourceName": "In Store",
                  "storeName": "iTunes",
                  "vendorName": "BlackBerry Limited",
                  "version": "1.2.34"
                "disposition" : "OPTIONAL"
              } ]

          Request Parameters
          Name Location Description
          userGuid path GUID of the user to get assigned applications for
          Response Codes
          Code Condition Data type
          200 OK.
          404 User not found.
          Response Body
          Media type Data type
          application/vnd.blackberry.applicationassignments-v1+json Application assignments (JSON)

          GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/groups

          Available Since:

          Get all user groups directly assigned to a user. Every user belongs to at least the "All users" group by default.

          Sample response body

            "groups" : [ {
              "guid" : "6d0c4ddb-10ae-471d-948d-df27868dcf8a",
              "name" : "Sales",
              "description" : "Group for sales associates.",
              "directoryLinked" : false
              "guid" : "6c5b41f6-20ff-4cb2-8ee0-37cd8756320e",
              "name" : "All users",
              "directoryLinked" : false
             } ]

          Request Parameters
          Name Location Description
          userGuid path GUID of the user to get groups for
          Response Codes
          Code Condition Data type
          200 OK.
          404 User not found.
          Response Body
          Media type Data type
          application/vnd.blackberry.groups-v1+json Groups (JSON)

          GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/profiles

          Available Since:

          Get all profiles directly assigned to a user. Profiles that are assigned by default (opposed to being directly assigned) will not be returned.

          Sample response body

              "profiles" : [ {
                "guid" : "3d55abd2-c00e-4f5f-abcf-01c92ac777b1",
                "name" : "Strict IT Policy",
                "categoryName" : "IT_CONFIG",
                "default": false
              }, {
                "guid" : "6106fce8-83f5-44b3-8288-e8e4e0966561",
                "name" : "Sales Email Profile",
                "categoryName" : "EMAIL",
                "default": false
              } ]

          Request Parameters
          Name Location Description
          userGuid path GUID of the user to get assigned profiles for
          Response Codes
          Code Condition Data type
          200 OK.
          404 User not found.
          Response Body
          Media type Data type
          application/vnd.blackberry.profiles-v1+json Profiles (JSON)

          POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/profiles

          Available Since:

          Assign one or more profiles, by GUID, to a user. Only the GUID field of each profile is required.

          Sample request body

              "profiles" : [ {
              "guid" : "3d55abd2-c00e-4f5f-abcf-01c92ac777b1"
              }, {
              "guid" : "6106fce8-83f5-44b3-8288-e8e4e0966561"
              } ]

          Request Parameters
          Name Location Description
          userGuid path GUID of the user to assign profiles to.
          Request Body
          Media type Data type
          application/vnd.blackberry.profiles-v1+json Profiles (JSON)
          Response Codes
          Code Condition Data type
          204 Profile(s) assigned.
            400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
            404 User not found.

            PUT /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/profiles

            Available Since:

            Replace all profiles assigned to a user. All existing profiles are removed and replaced by the list of profiles (by GUID) provided. Only the GUID field of each profile is required.

            Request Parameters
            Name Location Description
            userGuid path GUID of the user to replace profiles for.
            Request Body
            Media type Data type
            application/vnd.blackberry.profiles-v1+json Profiles (JSON)
            Response Codes
            Code Condition Data type
            204 Profile(s) assigned.
              400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
              404 User not found.

              DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/profiles/{profileGuid}/certificate

              Available Since:

              Remove the certificate from a manual user credential profile.

              Request Parameters
              Name Location Description
              profileGuid path GUID of the user credential profile assigned to the user.
              userGuid path GUID of the user to update.
              Response Codes
              Code Condition Data type
              204 Certificate removed.
                404 Profile not found.
                404 User not found.

                PUT /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/profiles/{profileGuid}/certificate

                Available Since:

                Add or update a certificate for a manual user credential profile

                A certificate must be assigned for a manual certification authority connection. If a certificate is already assigned to this user, the added certificate will override it

                Sample request body

                The user credential certificate password is required if it has been set. ("cEA1NXcwcmQ=" is the base64-encoded value of "p@55w0rd").

                   "name" : "Certificate name",
                   "password" : "cEA1NXcwcmQ=",
                   "certificateContent" : "VGhpcyBpcyBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQgYmFzZSA2NCBlbmNvZGVk"

                Request Parameters
                Name Location Description
                profileGuid path GUID of the user credential profile assigned to the user
                userGuid path GUID of the user to update
                Request Body
                Media type Data type
                application/vnd.blackberry.certificate-v1+json Certificate (JSON)
                Response Codes
                Code Condition Data type
                204 User updated.
                  400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
                  404 Profile not found.
                  404 User not found.

                  GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/services

                  Available Since:

                  Get services assigned to a user.

                  Sample response body

                      "serviceAssignments" : [ {
                       "service" : {
                         "guid" : "7f463414-5266-4a41-ae5b-159d27bb8107",
                         "name" : "mdm",
                        "status": "ASSOCIATED"
                      } ]

                  Request Parameters
                  Name Location Description
                  userGuid path GUID of the user to get services for
                  Response Codes
                  Code Condition Data type
                  200 OK.
                  404 User not found.
                  Response Body
                  Media type Data type
                  application/vnd.blackberry.serviceassignments-v1+json Service assignments (JSON)

                  GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices

                  Available Since:

                  Get the user devices assigned to a user.

                  Sample response body

                       "userDevices": [
                               "links" : [ {
                                   "rel" : "user",
                                   "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/59dc743d-f325-4a6c-97ac-44dcb9ef8a0e"
                               } ],
                               "guid": "2d2d3a7f-076d-46f9-8c25-56cb8eba2800",
                               "checkedOut": false,
                               "clientVersion": "5.50.1",
                               "enrollmentType": [
                               "language": "en_US",
                               "lastContactTime": "2017-01-20T11:01:52.400Z",
                               "loggingExpiryDate": "2017-01-18T18:18:43.000Z",
                               "loggingStatus": "Expired",
                               "device": {
                                   "guid": "4659aa7f-0a7d-9f69-258c-2800ebaa2800",
                                   "activationDate": "2017-01-16T14:47:03.662Z",
                                   "activeSyncId": "K6CKULJTID3SDEAIV0ELHBBTTO",
                                   "batteryLevel": 95.0,
                                   "compromised": false,
                                   "externalStorageFree": 12021.0,
                                   "externalStorageSize": 16386.0,
                                   "hardwareModel": "Desire",
                                   "hardwareName": "bravo",
                                   "hardwareVendorCompanyName": "HTC Corporation",
                                   "homeCarrier": "Rogers",
                                   "internalStorageFree": 2112.0,
                                   "internalStorageSize": 32768.0,
                                   "imei": "990000862471854",
                                   "meid": "01234567890123456",
                                   "os": "Android 5.0",
                                   "osFamilyName": "android",
                                   "osVersion": "5.0",
                                   "ownership": "PERSONAL",
                                   "phoneNumber": "4045551234",
                                   "serialNumber": "c08088415436112",
                                   "udid": "d88496fdf7115ac9f3ab69966cbaf91d960b95036fa68f66489c8ad78f136b5c",
                                   "wifiMacAddress": "62:9a:7e:bc:fe:01"
                               "service" : {
                                   "guid" : "c90ca7e8-f219-42a2-9a33-97e77f784acf",
                                   "name" : "mdm",
                               "links" : [ {
                                   "rel" : "user",
                                   "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/59dc743d-f325-4a6c-97ac-44dcb9ef8a0e"
                               } ],
                               "guid": "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
                               "checkedOut": false,
                               "clientVersion": "6.30.12",
                               "enrollmentType": [
                               "language": "en_US",
                               "lastContactTime": "2017-01-23T10:02:12.340Z",
                               "loggingExpiryDate": "2017-12-31T12:00:00.000Z",
                               "loggingStatus": "Logging",
                               "device": {
                                   "guid": "8002ebaa-c258-96f9-d7a0a-0082aa7f4659",
                                   "activationDate": "2017-01-16T14:47:03.662Z",
                                   "activeSyncId": "Q633AGG6QP3FJF6QBNAA81UHB0",
                                   "batteryLevel": 64.0,
                                   "compromised": false,
                                   "externalStorageFree": 12021.0,
                                   "externalStorageSize": 16386.0,
                                   "hardwareModel": "Desire",
                                   "hardwareName": "bravo",
                                   "hardwareVendorCompanyName": "HTC Corporation",
                                   "homeCarrier": "Rogers",
                                   "internalStorageFree": 2112.0,
                                   "internalStorageSize": 32768.0,
                                   "imei": "351756051523999",
                                   "meid": "56789012345678901",
                                   "ownership": "CORPORATE",
                                   "os": "Android 6.0",
                                   "osFamilyName": "android",
                                   "osVersion": "6.0",
                                   "phoneNumber": "2125557890",
                                   "securityPatchLevel": "",
                                   "serialNumber": "c03618841215084",
                                   "udid": "82f2aaa813c5a4bc2748b078ca844bdbd6a8fb8eaaa173a389467646cf04d00c",
                                   "wifiMacAddress": "b4:52:7e:62:a5:9a"
                               "service" : {
                                   "guid" : "c90ca7e8-f219-42a2-9a33-97e77f784acf",
                                   "name" : "mdm",

                  Request Parameters
                  Name Location Description
                  userGuid path GUID of the user to get all user devices for
                  Response Codes
                  Code Condition Data type
                  200 OK.
                  404 User not found.
                  Response Body
                  Media type Data type
                  application/vnd.blackberry.userdevices-v1+json User devices (JSON)

                  GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}

                  Available Since:

                  Get the specified user device assigned to a user.

                  Sample response body

                       "links" : [ {
                           "rel" : "user",
                           "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/59dc743d-f325-4a6c-97ac-44dcb9ef8a0e"
                       } ],
                       "guid": "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
                       "checkedOut": false,
                       "clientVersion": "6.30.12",
                       "enrollmentType": [
                       "language": "en_US",
                       "lastContactTime": "2017-01-23T10:02:12.340Z",
                       "loggingExpiryDate": "2017-12-31T12:00:00.000Z",
                       "loggingStatus": "Logging",
                       "device": {
                           "guid": "8002ebaa-c258-96f9-d7a0a-0082aa7f4659",
                           "activeSyncId": "K6CKULJTID3SDEAIV0ELHBBTTO",
                           "activationDate": "2017-01-16T14:47:03.662Z",
                           "batteryLevel": 64.0,
                           "compromised": false,
                           "externalStorageFree": 12021.0,
                           "externalStorageSize": 16386.0,
                           "hardwareModel": "Desire",
                           "hardwareName": "bravo",
                           "hardwareVendorCompanyName": "HTC Corporation",
                           "internalStorageFree": 2112.0,
                           "internalStorageSize": 32768.0,
                           "imei": "351756051523999",
                           "meid": "56789012345678901",
                           "phoneNumber": "2125557890",
                           "os": "Android 6.0",
                           "osFamilyName": "android",
                           "osVersion": "6.0",
                           "ownership": "CORPORATE",
                           "securityPatchLevel": "",
                           "serialNumber": "c03618841215084",
                           "udid": "d88496fdf7115ac9f3ab69966cbaf91d960b95036fa68f66489c8ad78f136b5c",
                           "wifiMacAddress": "b4:52:7e:62:a5:9a"
                       "service" : {
                         "guid" : "c90ca7e8-f219-42a2-9a33-97e77f784acf",
                         "name" : "mdm",

                  Request Parameters
                  Name Location Description
                  userDeviceGuid path GUID of the user device to get
                  userGuid path GUID of the user to get user device for
                  Response Codes
                  Code Condition Data type
                  200 OK.
                  404 User not found.
                  404 UserDevice not found.
                  Response Body
                  Media type Data type
                  application/vnd.blackberry.userdevice-v1+json User device (JSON)

                  GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/applications

                  Available Since:

                  Get the assigned and installed applications for a specified user device.

                  Sample response body

                       "deviceApplications": [
                           "guid": "3304ab07-e595-494e-a08a-63eedb9a62e5",
                           "bundleId": "",
                           "disposition": "OPTIONAL",
                           "dynamicsContainerId": "25A64379-25A1-42AB-8104-3B41F98B260A",
                           "status": "ACTIVATED",
                           "name": "BlackBerry Tasks",
                           "personal": false
                           "guid": "3980996d-6741-44c8-9703-a4ed2930fcc5",
                           "bundleId": "com.good.gcs",
                           "disposition": "REQUIRED",
                           "dynamicsContainerId": "C85ECFF5-A3DB-4FDC-887F-8712220EBD92",
                           "status": "ACTIVATED",
                           "name": "BlackBerry Work",
                           "personal": false
                           "guid": "80cf4d96-b230-45a7-ad21-77bb5cfba35c",
                           "bundleId": "",
                           "disposition": "OPTIONAL",
                           "status": "NOT_ACTIVATED",
                           "name": "BlackBerry Notes",
                           "personal": false

                  Request Parameters
                  Name Location Description
                  userDeviceGuid path GUID of the user device
                  userGuid path GUID of the user
                  Response Codes
                  Code Condition Data type
                  200 OK.
                  404 User not found.
                  404 UserDevice not found.
                  Response Body
                  Media type Data type
                  application/vnd.blackberry.userdevice.applications-v1+json User device applications (JSON)

                  POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/applications/{appGuid}/commands

                  Available Since:

                  Send a command to a BlackBerry Dynamics app.

                  Command type Description Properties
                  BLOCK_APPLICATION Blocks the application. The app must be unblocked with an Unblock API call (below).
                  Name Type Description
                  title string Title of the message that indicates that the device is in a blocked state (optional).
                  body string Detailed message that displays on the same screen as the title. For example, the message can provide steps to follow to get the device back in compliance (optional).
                  actionId string A unique identifier for any Block action. Can be any value as long as it is unique. When sending a corresponding UNBLOCK_APPLICATION command later on, the same value must be used to correlate the commands.
                  DELETE_APPLICATION Delete app. No properties.
                  LOCK_APPLICATION Lock app. The app may be unlocked with an unlock key. No properties.
                  UNBLOCK_APPLICATION Unblocks a previous Block action (above).
                  Name Type Description
                  actionId string This must be the same value that was used in the preceding and related BLOCK_APPLICATION action(s). No format or value restrictions apply. If more than one actionIds were sent in more than one BLOCK_APPLICATION calls, all actionIDs used must be sent in separate calls to unblock the application (order of calls is not important for this).


                  Sample 1 request body

                  Send a command to lock an app.

                     "type" : "LOCK_APPLICATION"

                  Sample 2 request body

                  Send a command to block an app.

                     "type" : "BLOCK_APPLICATION",
                     "properties" : {
                       "actionId" : "Random string - same value used for both block and unblock actions",
                       "title" : "Summary message for display on the device",
                       "body" : "Description of compliance failure with steps to get back in compliance for display on the device"

                  Request Parameters
                  Name Location Description
                  appGuid path GUID of the app
                  userDeviceGuid path GUID of the user device
                  userGuid path GUID of the user
                  Request Body
                  Media type Data type
                  application/vnd.blackberry.command-v1+json Command (JSON)
                  Response Codes
                  Code Condition Data type
                  202 Command accepted for processing.
                    400 Invalid request. For example, command not supported or invalid field semantics.
                    404 Application not found.
                    404 User not found.
                    404 UserDevice not found.

                    POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/users/{userGuid}/userDevices/{userDeviceGuid}/commands

                    Available Since:

                    Send a command to a user device. The following table describes the command types and corresponding properties that can be sent to a user device. Properties that are not supported for a specific user device may be ignored.

                    For more information about sending commands to devices, read the BlackBerry UEM Administration Guide.

                    Command type Description Properties
                    BLOCK_APPLICATIONS Blocks the applications on a device. The apps must be unblocked with an Unblock API call (below).
                    Name Type Description
                    title string Title of the message that indicates that the device is in a blocked state (optional).
                    body string Detailed message that displays on the same screen as the title. For example, the message can provide steps to follow to get the device back in compliance (optional).
                    actionId string A unique identifier for any Block action. Can be any value as long as it is unique. When sending a corresponding UNBLOCK_APPLICATIONS command later on, the same value must be used to correlate the commands.
                    DELETE_DEVICE_DATA Delete all data on the device, and return the device to factory default settings.
                    Name Type Description
                    password Base64-encoded string New device password to set after restoring to factory default settings (optional, must be 6 digits).
                    DELETE_WORK_SPACE_DATA Delete only work data on the device. No properties.
                    DISABLE_WORK_SPACE Disable access to the work space. No properties.
                    ENABLE_WORK_SPACE Enable access to the work space. No properties.
                    LOCK_DEVICE Lock device.
                    Name Type Description
                    password Base64-encoded string New device password (optional).
                    message string Message to display on device lock screen (optional).
                    LOCK_WORK_SPACE Set work space password and lock work space.
                    Name Type Description
                    password Base64-encoded string New work space password (required).
                    RESET_WORK_SPACE_PASSWORD Reset work space password. The work space password will be deleted and the user will be prompted to set a new work space password when the work space is opened. No properties.
                    UNBLOCK_APPLICATIONS Unblocks a previous Block action (above).
                    Name Type Description
                    actionId string This must be the same value that was used in the preceding and related BLOCK_APPLICATIONS action(s). No format or value restrictions apply. If more than one actionIds were sent in more than one BLOCK_APPLICATIONS calls, all actionIDs used must be sent in separate calls to unblock the application (order of calls is not important for this).
                    UNLOCK_DEVICE Unlock device. The existing device password will be deleted and the user will be prompted to set a new device password. No properties.
                    WIPE_APPLICATIONS Resets applications on the device to their pre-enrollment state. All management and user data related to the application(s) is deleted on the device. No properties.


                    Sample 1 request body

                    Send command to lock device, change password, and set a display message. "cEA1NXcwcmQ=" is the base64-encoded value of "p@55w0rd".

                       "type" : "LOCK_DEVICE",
                       "properties" : {
                         "password" : "cEA1NXcwcmQ=",
                         "message" : "Paul Morley" 

                    Sample 2 request body

                    Send command to reset work space password.

                       "type" : "RESET_WORK_SPACE_PASSWORD"

                    Sample 3 request body

                    Send a command to block device applications.

                       "type" : "BLOCK_APPLICATIONS",
                       "properties" : {
                         "actionId" : "Random string - same value used for both block and unblock actions",
                         "title" : "Summary message for display on the device",
                         "body" : "Description of compliance failure with steps to get back in compliance for display on the device"

                    Request Parameters
                    Name Location Description
                    userDeviceGuid path GUID of the user device to send a command to
                    userGuid path GUID of the user
                    Request Body
                    Media type Data type
                    application/vnd.blackberry.command-v1+json Command (JSON)
                    Response Codes
                    Code Condition Data type
                    202 Command accepted for processing.
                      400 Invalid request. For example, command not supported or invalid field semantics.
                      404 User not found.
                      404 UserDevice not found.