Applications Resource

Provides access and management of applications.

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications

Available Since:

Get applications with a specific query or all applications. If no applications are found, an empty applications list is included in the response body.

Sample request

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/applications?query=name=sampleApplication

Sample response body

  "applications" : [ {
    "guid" : "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8",
    "os": "ios",
    "sourceName": "In Store",
    "storeName": "iTunes",
    "vendorName": "BlackBerry Limited",
    "version": "1.2.34"
   } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
query query (Optional) Query by name for filtering the application results. Commas or backslashes in query values must be escaped with a backslash.
Field Type Description
name string Name of the application. Case insensitive exact match.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK (even if no applications are found).
400 Invalid search query.
Response Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.applications-v1+json Applications (JSON)

DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/profile/{profileGuid}

Available Since:

Remove an overridden BlackBerry Dynamics application profile.

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
appGuid path GUID of the BlackBerry Dynamics application.
profileGuid path GUID of the profile.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
204 Profile unassigned.
    400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
    404 Application not found.
    404 Profile not found.

    PUT /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/profile/{profileGuid}

    Available Since:

    Override a BlackBerry Dynamics application profile.

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    appGuid path GUID of the BlackBerry Dynamics application.
    profileGuid path GUID of the profile.
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    204 Profile assigned.
      400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
      400 Profile type not supported.
      404 Application not found.
      404 Profile not found.