Devices Data Type

A collection of devices

Name Type Description
devices array of Device Collection of device.
total number Only applies in the response to searching for devices and setting the includeTotal parameter to true in the request. Represents the total number of devices that matched the search, which may be different from the number of devices actually returned.


  "devices" : [ {
    "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
    "activationDate" : "2017-01-01T11:04:30.45Z",
    "activeSyncId" : "K6CKULJTID3SDEAIV0ELHBBTTO",
    "batteryLevel" : 57.0,
    "compromised" : false,
    "externalStorageFree" : 11517.0,
    "externalStorageSize" : 32768.0,
    "hardwareModel" : "iPhone 5c (GSM)",
    "hardwareName" : "iPhone5,3",
    "hardwareVendorCompanyName" : "Apple Inc",
    "homeCarrier" : "Rogers",
    "internalStorageFree" : 3556.0,
    "internalStorageSize" : 4950.0,
    "imei" : "01 400000 155119 5",
    "meid" : "01234567890123456",
    "os" : "iOS 10.2",
    "osFamilyName" : "ios",
    "osVersion" : "10.2",
    "ownership" : "CORPORATE",
    "phoneNumber" : "4045551234",
    "pin" : "...",
    "securityPatchLevel" : "...",
    "serialNumber" : "FCFPL5T3G07J",
    "udid" : "d88496fdf7115ac9f3ab69966cbaf91d960b95036fa68f66489c8ad78f136b5c",
    "wifiMacAddress" : "b4:52:7e:62:a5:9a"
  }, {
    "guid" : "2d2d3a7f-076d-46f9-8c25-56cb8eba2800",
    "activationDate" : "2017-01-01T11:04:30.45Z",
    "activeSyncId" : "Q633AGG6QP3FJF6QBNAA81UHB0",
    "batteryLevel" : 100.0,
    "compromised" : false,
    "externalStorageFree" : 16322.0,
    "externalStorageSize" : 131072.0,
    "hardwareModel" : "Q10",
    "hardwareName" : "2214602506",
    "hardwareVendorCompanyName" : "BlackBerry",
    "homeCarrier" : "...",
    "internalStorageFree" : 10258.0,
    "internalStorageSize" : 16384.0,
    "imei" : "004402242062465",
    "meid" : "...",
    "os" : "BB 10.3.3",
    "osFamilyName" : "BB",
    "osVersion" : "10.3.3",
    "ownership" : "UNKNOWN",
    "phoneNumber" : "2125557890",
    "pin" : "2668C366",
    "securityPatchLevel" : "...",
    "serialNumber" : "064439997440",
    "udid" : "82f2aaa813c5a4bc2748b078ca844bdbd6a8fb8eaaa173a389467646cf04d00c",
    "wifiMacAddress" : "34:bb:1f:f3:34:a2"
  } ],
  "total" : 12345