Apple DEP Resource

Provides Apple DEP device management functions.

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/depAccounts

Available Since:

Get list of all DEP accounts.


Sample request

Get DEP account with name of "Sales dept".

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/depAccounts?name=Sales%20dept

Sample response body

     "depAccounts": [ {
         "guid": "37cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c",
         "name": "Sales dept.",
         "tokenExpiryDate": "2021-08-09T18:10:03.626Z"
     } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description Type
includeTotal query If you want the total number of accounts matching the search included in the response (which may be different from the number of accounts actually returned) set this to true; otherwise set to false. By default the total will not be included in the response. boolean
max query The maximum number of account results to get, between 1 and 1000 inclusive. If not specified, a value of 100 will be used. int
offset query The number of matching accounts to exclude from the beginning of the list of accounts in the response; greater than or equal to 0. If not specified, a value of 0 will be used to indicate that no matches should be excluded. Used in order to get "pages" of results. For example, to get the first 50 matching accounts, specify max=50 (and optionally offset=0); and to get the next 50 matching accounts specify max=50 and offset=50, and so on. int
query query Query parameter for filtering the results. The format is <field name>=<query value>, for example name=Sales dept. Multiple field-value pairs can be provided in the query with each pair separated with a comma, in which case only accounts matching all of the criteria provided will be included in the response. Querying for empty/null values is not supported.

By default, a case-insensitive exact match will be performed for each field in the query.

Special characters (comma, backslash) in query values must be escaped with a backslash.

The following table describes the fields that can be used in the query.

Field Type Description
name string DEP account name.
tokenExpiryDate string Expiration date value in ISO-8601 format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ. Use operators > or >= for the minimum date, and/or < or <= for the maximum date. For example: tokenExpiryDate>=2021-07-01T00:00:00.000Z,tokenExpiryDate<2021-07-31T00:00:00.000Z.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK (even if no accounts are found).
400 Invalid search query.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.depaccounts-v1+json DEP Accounts (JSON)

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/depAccounts/{depAccountGuid}

Available Since:

Get details of a DEP account by GUID.


Sample request

Get DEP account with GUID "37cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c".

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/depAccounts/37cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c

Sample response body

      "guid": "56DD0DF8-2675-433F-ADE5-E5ADD8CD2134",
      "name": "Sales dept",
      "serverToken": "i+nKt9H72G4qji8M6RtpKIqyt9iOL17zcIH1uAIKR3wcKwTewFfqQDJOE93HMNM=",
      "tokenExpiryDate": "2028-03-07T05:00:00.000Z",
      "devicesNotAssignedCount": 0,
      "devicesAssignedCount": 1,
      "devicesPushedCount": 2,
      "totalDevicesCount": 3

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
depAccountGuid path GUID of the DEP account to get
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK.
404 DEP Account not found.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.depaccount-v1+json DEP Account Device Summary (JSON)

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/depDevices

Available Since:

Get list of all DEP devices.


Sample request

Get DEP device with an serial number of "C7JRXTGCGRY6".

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/depDevices?serialNumber=C7JRXTGCGRY6

Sample response body

     "depDevices": [ {
         "guid": "27cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c",
         "status": "Assigned",
         "serialNumber": "C7JRXTGCGRY6",
         "model": "iPhone 6s",
         "color": "White",
         "depAccountName": "jdoe",
         "links": [ {
             "rel": "user",
             "href": "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6a5664d6-7de2-4a44-babe-1c231fe0f186"
         }, {
             "rel": "enrollmentconfiguration",
             "href": "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations/61b815b3-fd92-4a3e-b033-c686917529df"
         }, {
             "rel": "profile",
             "href": "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/profiles/8fa03e58-854c-4f9f-91bd-46d1dc38c54c"
         } ]
     } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description Type
includeTotal query If you want the total number of devices matching the search included in the response (which may be different from the number of devices actually returned) set this to true; otherwise set to false. By default the total will not be included in the response. boolean
max query The maximum number of device results to get, between 1 and 1000 inclusive. If not specified, a value of 100 will be used. int
offset query The number of matching devices to exclude from the beginning of the list of devices in the response; greater than or equal to 0. If not specified, a value of 0 will be used to indicate that no matches should be excluded. Used in order to get "pages" of results. For example, to get the first 50 matching devices, specify max=50 (and optionally offset=0); and to get the next 50 matching devices specify max=50 and offset=50, and so on. int
query query Query parameter for filtering the results. The format is <field name>=<query value>, for example serialNumber=C7JRXTGCGRY6. Multiple field-value pairs can be provided in the query with each pair separated with a comma, in which case only devices matching all of the criteria provided will be included in the response. Querying for empty/null values is not supported.

By default, a case-insensitive exact match will be performed for each field in the query.

Special characters (comma, backslash) in query values must be escaped with a backslash.

The following table describes the fields that can be used in the query.

Field Type Description
depAccountName string DEP account name of the DEP device.
serialNumber string Serial number of the DEP device.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK (even if no devices are found).
400 Invalid search query.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.depdevices-v1+json DEP Devices (JSON)

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/depDevices/{depDeviceGuid}

Available Since:

Get details of a DEP device by GUID.


Sample request

Get DEP device with GUID "27cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c".

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/depDevices/27cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c

Sample response body

     "guid": "27cc4600-36e9-11ea-85b0-1be1f9e2cb9c",
     "status": "Assigned",
     "serialNumber": "C7JRXTGCGRY6",
     "model": "iPhone 6s",
     "color": "White",
     "links": [ {
         "rel": "user",
         "href": "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6a5664d6-7de2-4a44-babe-1c231fe0f186"
     }, {
         "rel": "enrollmentconfiguration",
         "href": "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations/61b815b3-fd92-4a3e-b033-c686917529df"
     }, {
         "rel": "profile",
         "href": "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/profiles/8fa03e58-854c-4f9f-91bd-46d1dc38c54c"
     } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
depDeviceGuid path GUID of the DEP device to get
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK.
404 DEP Device not found.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.depdevice-v1+json DEP device (JSON)

DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/depDevices/{deviceGuid}/user

Available Since:

Unassign a user, by GUID, from a DEP device.

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
deviceGuid path GUID of DEP device
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
204 User unassigned.
404 DEP Device not found.
409 User cannot be unassigned from device, the device is already activated

PUT /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/depDevices/{deviceGuid}/user/{userGuid}

Available Since:

Assign (add or replace) the given user to a DEP device.

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
deviceGuid path GUID of DEP device
userGuid path GUID of user
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
204 User assigned.
404 DEP Device not found.
404 User not found.
409 User cannot be assigned to device, the device is already activated

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations

Available Since:

Get list of all DEP enrollment configurations.


Sample request

Get DEP enrollment config with name "ID2 Config 1" assigned to DEP account "Finance Department".

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations?query=name=ID2%20Config%201,depAccountName=Finance%20Department

Sample response body

     "enrollmentConfigs": [ {
         "guid": "61b815b3-fd92-4a3e-b033-c686917529df",
         "name": "ID2 Config 1",
         "automaticallyAssign": false,
         "department": "IT dev",
         "supportPhone": "+105509999437",
         "allowPairing": true,
         "supervised": false,
         "mandatory": false,
         "mdmRemovable": true,
         "awaitDeviceConfigured": false,
         "mdmProfileEncrypted": true
     } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
query query Query parameter for filtering the results. The format is <field name>=<query value>, for example name=ID2%20Config%201. Multiple field-value pairs can be provided in the query with each pair separated with a comma, in which case only devices matching all of the criteria provided will be included in the response. Querying for empty/null values is not supported.

By default, a case-insensitive exact match will be performed for each field in the query.

Special characters (comma, backslash) in query values must be escaped with a backslash.

The following table describes the fields that can be used in the query.

Field Type Description
depAccountName string DEP account name of the DEP enrollment config.
name string DEP enrollment configuration name.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK (even if no configs are found).
400 Invalid search query.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.enrollmentconfigurations-v1+json DEP Devices (JSON)

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations/{depEnrollmentConfigGuid}

Available Since:

Get details of a DEP enrollment configuration by GUID.


Sample request

Get DEP enrollment config with GUID "61b815b3-fd92-4a3e-b033-c686917529df".

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations/61b815b3-fd92-4a3e-b033-c686917529df

Sample response body

     "guid": "61b815b3-fd92-4a3e-b033-c686917529df",
     "name": "ID2 Config 1",
     "automaticallyAssign": false,
     "department": "IT dev",
     "supportPhone": "+105509999437",
     "allowPairing": true,
     "supervised": false,
     "mandatory": false,
     "mdmRemovable": true,
     "awaitDeviceConfigured": false,
     "mdmProfileEncrypted": true

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
depEnrollmentConfigGuid path GUID of the DEP enrollment config to get
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK.
404 DEP Enrollment Configuration not found.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.enrollmentconfiguration-v1+json DEP enrollment configuration (JSON)

DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations/{depEnrollmentConfigGuid}/depDevices

Available Since:

Unassign DEP enrollment configuration from one or more DEP devices by GUID. Only the GUID field of each DEP device is required. If a device listed in the request body doesn't have enrollment configuration assigned or has another enrollment configuration assigned, it will be ignored. If enrollment configuration was not unassigned from one or more devices listed in the request, these devices will be returned in the response.

Sample request body

   "depDevices": [{
           "guid": "ef0e134a-093e-483c-886e-7ece1c3e39ca"
           "guid": "25a5cfc0-c6f3-4017-aa60-07c1e361f7da"

Sample response body

   "depDevices": [{
           "guid": "ef0e134a-093e-483c-886e-7ece1c3e39ca"

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
depEnrollmentConfigGuid path GUID of enrollment configuration.
Request Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.depdevices-v1+json DEP Devices (JSON)
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 Enrollment configuration was successfully unassigned from all devices.
206 Partial success. Enrollment configuration was unassigned from part of specified devices.
404 DEP Device not found.
404 DEP Enrollment Configuration not found.
409 Enrollment configuration cannot be unassigned from devices, some of the devices have been already activated.

POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/enrollmentConfigurations/{depEnrollmentConfigGuid}/depDevices

Available Since:

Assign DEP enrollment configuration to one or more DEP devices by GUID. Only the GUID field of each DEP device is required. If a device listed in the request body already has enrollment configuration assigned, it will be overwritten. If enrollment configuration cannot be assigned to one or more of the devices listed in the request, these devices will be returned in the response.

Sample request body

   "depDevices": [{
           "guid": "ef0e134a-093e-483c-886e-7ece1c3e39ca"
           "guid": "25a5cfc0-c6f3-4017-aa60-07c1e361f7da"

Sample response body

   "depDevices": [{
           "guid": "ef0e134a-093e-483c-886e-7ece1c3e39ca"

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
depEnrollmentConfigGuid path GUID of enrollment configuration.
Request Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.depdevices-v1+json DEP Devices (JSON)
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 Enrollment configuration was successfully assigned to all devices.
206 Partial success. Enrollment configuration was assigned to part of specified devices.
404 DEP Device not found.
404 DEP Enrollment Configuration not found.
409 Enrollment configuration cannot be assigned to devices, some of the devices have been already activated.