The table below describes various error IDs and subStatusCodes that may be encountered when parsing an Error. The "Description" column format is: <subStatusCode>: <description>. Note that every API may return 403 Forbidden if the authenticated user is not authorized to perform the action. See also the getting started guide.
Value | Description |
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT | 1: Invalid argument in request. |
DUPLICATE | 100: Resource already exists. |
USER_NOT_FOUND | 101: User not found. |
DIRECTORY_USER_NOT_FOUND | 102: Directory user not found or no company directories are configured. |
GROUP_NOT_FOUND | 103: Group not found. |
PROFILE_NOT_FOUND | 104: Profile not found. |
USER_ACTIVATION_PASSWORD_NOT_FOUND | 105: User activation password not found. |
GROUP_IN_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND | 106: A group in the request was not found. |
PROFILE_IN_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND | 107: A profile in the request was not found. |
USER_IN_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND | 108: A user in the request was not found. |
EMAIL_TEMPLATE_IN_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND | 109: An email template in the request was not found. |
NON_UNIQUE_ACTIVATION_PASSWORD | 110: Activation password value is not unique for user. |
TOO_MANY_ACTIVATION_PASSWORDS | 111: Too many activation passwords specified for user. |
FAILED_TO_CREATE_ACTIVATION_PASSWORD | 112: Error creating activation password. |
APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND | 113: Application not found. |
APPLICATION_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED | 114: Operation not supported for application type. |
PROFILE_NOT_SUPPORTED | 115: Profile type not supported. |
NO_DIRECTORIES_CONFIGURED | 116: No company directories are configured. |
USER_HAS_ASSOCIATED_SERVICES | 117: User has associated services and cannot be removed. |
USER_HAS_ENROLLED_DEVICES | 118: User has enrolled devices and cannot be removed. |
USER_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | 119: UserDevice not found. |
SMTP_SETTINGS_NOT_CONFIGURED | 120: SMTP server settings not configured. |
SMTP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE | 121: SMTP server temporarily unavailable to send emails. Retry the request again later. |
EMAIL_ADDRESS_REQUIRED | 122: Email address is required. |
COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED | 123: Command not supported. |
INVALID_COMMAND | 124: Invalid command or properties. |
ACCESS_PASSWORD_NOT_SUPPORTED | 125: Access password not supported. |
FAILED_TO_GET_LICENSING_INFORMATION | 126: Failed to get licensing information. |
INVALID_CREDENTIALS | 127: Invalid credentials. |
MISSING_CATEGORY_NAME | 128: Missing or invalid categoryName query parameter. |
ATTESTATION_DISABLED | 129: Attestation is disabled in the management console. |
ATTESTATION_HARD_COMPROMISED_DEVICE | 130: Device is in the HARD COMPROMISED state. While in this state, the device cannot perform attestation. |
KNOX_ATTESTATION_NON_ANDROID_KNOX_PREMIUM_DEVICE | 131: KNOX attestation cannot be processed by Android devices without the KNOX Premium activation type. |
SAFETYNET_ATTESTATION_NON_ANDROID_DEVICE | 132: SafetyNet attestation can't be processed by non-Android OS devices. |
SAFETYNET_ATTESTATION_NO_ATTESTABLE_ENTITIES_FOUND | 133: Device does not have entities (UEM Client app or BlackBerry Dynamics container apps) needed to support SafetyNet attestation. |
SAFETYNET_ATTESTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_APP_POLICY | 134: Application is not eligible to perform attestation. |
APP_GROUP_NOT_FOUND | 135: Application group not found. |
APPLICATION_NETWORK_LOCATION | 136: Problem with network location for internal applications. |
TOO_LARGE | 137: Problem with network location for internal applications. |
UNSUPPORTED_OS_FAMILY_FOR_VERSION_REMOVAL | 138: OS Family not supported for binary version removal. |
DYNAMICS_APP_NOT_INTERNAL | 139: Dynamics application entitlement is not internal. |
SAFETYNET_ATTESTATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_SETTINGS | 140: Device was activated without capability to perform periodic SafetyNet attestation (according to activation profile settings). |
SHARED_DEVICE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND | 141: SharedDeviceGroup not found. |
SHARED_DEVICE_GROUP_USER_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | 142: SharedDeviceGroupUserDevice not found. |
SHARED_DEVICE_GROUP_RESOURCE_SET_NOT_FOUND | 143: SharedDeviceGroupResourceSet not found. |
SHARED_DEVICE_GROUP_RESOURCE_SET_APPLICATION_NOT_FOUND | 144: SharedDeviceGroupResourceSetApplication not found. |
SHARED_DEVICE_GROUP_RESOURCE_SET_APPLICATION_GROUP_NOT_FOUND | 145: SharedDeviceGroupResourceSetApplicationGroup not found. |
SHARED_DEVICE_GROUP_RESOURCE_SET_USER_NOT_FOUND | 146: SharedDeviceGroupResourceSetUser not found. |
APPLICATION_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND | 147: Application config not found. |
HARDWARE_KEY_ATTESTATION_NO_ATTESTABLE_ENTITIES_FOUND | 148: Device does not have entities (UEM Client app or BlackBerry Dynamics container apps) needed to support HardwareKey attestation. |
HARDWARE_KEY_ATTESTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_APP_POLICY | 149: Application is not eligible to perform attestation. |
HARDWARE_KEY_ATTESTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_DEVICE | 150: The device is not supported for attestation. |
APP_INTEGRITY_ATTESTATION_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE | 151: The device is not supported for App Integrity attestation. |
APP_INTEGRITY_ATTESTATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_SETTINGS | 152: Based on the current activation type, the device cannot perform App Integrity attestation. |
APP_INTEGRITY_ATTESTATION_NO_ATTESTABLE_APPS_FOUND | 153: Device does not have Blackberry Dynamics container apps needed to support App Integrity attestation. |
APP_INTEGRITY_ATTESTATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_APP | 154: Application is not eligible to perform App Integrity attestation. |
GROUP_COULD_NOT_BE_ASSOCIATED | 155: Group could not be associated with. |
CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND | 156: Certificate not found. |
CERTIFICATE_DOWNLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED | 157: Certificate download not allowed. |
CERTIFICATE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED | 158: Certificate delete not allowed. |
CERTIFICATE_RENEW_NOT_ALLOWED | 159: Certificate renew not allowed. |
CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE_NOT_FOUND | 160: Certificate not found. |
CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED | 161: Certificate bundle delete not allowed. |
CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE_RENEW_NOT_ALLOWED | 162: Certificate renew not allowed. |
EMBEDDED_CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND | 163: Embedded certificate not found. |
SERVER_NOT_FOUND | 164: Server not found. |
SERVICE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | 165: Service type is unsupported. |
SERVICE_NOT_FOUND | 166: Service not found. |
ENTITY_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND | 167: Entity definition not found. |
VALIDATION_EXCEPTION | 168: Validation exception. |
ENTITY_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND | 169: Entity instance not found. |
MTD_PROFILE_IS_NOT_ASSIGNED | 170: Device has no MTD policy assigned. |
ENTITY_VALIDATION_ERROR | 171: Entity validation error. |
ENTITY_FILTER_INVALID | 172: Entity filter request invalid |
ENTITY_RANK_UPDATE_ERROR | 173: Entity rank update error |
ENTITY_ENCLOSED_ENTITY_ERROR | 174: Entity enclosed entity error |
MALICIOUS_APPLICATION | 175: Application is malicious. |
DEVICE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND | 176: Device group not found. |
ADMIN_ROLE_NOT_FOUND | 177: Admin role not found. |
UNABLE_REMOVE_LAST_ADMIN | 178: Unable to remove last security admin. |
DEP_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | 179: DEP device not found. |
DEP_DEVICE_USER_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR | 180: Unable to assign/unassign user from DEP device. |
DEP_DEVICE_ACTIVATION_PROFILE_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR | 181: Unable to assign/unassign activation profile from DEP device. |
DEP_ENROLLMENT_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND | 182: DEP enrollment configuration not found. |
DEP_ENROLLMENT_CONFIG_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR | 183 Unable to assign/unassign enrollment configuration from DEP device. |
PASSWORD_VALIDATION_ERROR | 184 Password validation error. |
INVALID_CERTIFICATE_CONTENT | 185: Cannot upload certificate, it might contain invalid format, unsupported scheme, wrong password, no private key, etc. |
EMAIL_ADDRESS_INVALID | 186: Email address is invalid. |
DEP_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | 187: DEP account not found. |
APNS_NOT_FOUND | 188: APNs certificate not found. |
VPP_NOT_FOUND | 189: Apple VPP account not found. |
COMMAND_NOT_FOUND | 190: Command not found. |
NOT_AUTHORIZED | 403: Not authorized to complete the request. |
SERVER_ERROR | 500: Internal server error occurred. |
FAILED_TO_ASSOCIATE_SERVICE | 501: Failed to associate service. |
EXTERNAL_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE | 503: External server is not available. |