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- Company directories
Provides management functions for company directories.
GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/directories
- Available Since:
- 12.20.0
Search company directory instance. Search all company directory instances which have the certificate, and they
will expire on and after 2026-01-01T00:00:00.000Z and before 2040-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.
This will populate the relevant certificate fields, name and type of the Directory Instance.
Sample request 1
GET /SRP00000/api/v1/directories?query=expiryDate>=2026-01-01T00:00:00.000Z,expiryDate<2040-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
Sample response 1 body
"companyDirectoryConnections": [
"name": "abc",
"type": "LDAP",
"certificate": {
"expiryDate": "2036-10-02T16:46:32.000Z",
"alias": "directory.ldap.enablessl.x.yes.sslcertificate_alias:1",
"subject": "CN=Example,DC=Example,DC=com",
"altNames": "DNSName=*.us.example.com\r\nDNSName=*.ca.example.com"
} ]
Sample request 2
GET /SRP00000/api/v1/directories?query=type=ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
Sample response 2 body
"companyDirectoryConnections": [
"name": "abc",
} ]
Request Parameters
Name |
Location |
Description |
query |
query |
Query parameter for filtering the results.
The format is operator field name< field-value (field-name)(operator)(field-value). Also, we can have a multiple
filters separated by comma. (field-name)(operator)(field-value) , (field-name)(operator)(field-value).
We also have a filter criteria for specific type.TYPE which can filter company directory by the specific type.
For example: (field-name)=field-value.
The following table describes the fields that can be used in the query.
Field |
Type |
Description |
type |
string |
Type of the Directory Connection. Supported Values are LDAP, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, BCN, and AZURE |
expiryDate |
string |
The directory connection's certificate expiry date. |
> or
>= for the minimum date, and/or < or <= for the maximum date.
For example:
Response Codes
Code |
Condition |
Data type |
200 |
OK (even if no Directory Connections are found). |
400 |
Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field. |
Response Body
Media type |
Data type |
Description |
application/vnd.blackberry.directory-v1+json |
Directory Connections
(JSON) |
GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/directories/users
- Available Since:
- 12.6.0
Search for users in all configured company directories. This will most often be used in order to create a directory-linked
user (see the "Users" resource for creating a directory-linked user).
Sample request
GET /SRP00000/api/v1/directories/users?search=pmorley
Sample response body
"directoryUsers": [ {
"username": "pmorley",
"displayName": "Paul Morley",
"firstName": "Paul",
"lastName": "Morley",
"emailAddress": "pmorley@example.com",
"directoryId": "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa"
} ]
Request Parameters
Name |
Location |
Description |
Type |
includeExistingUsers |
query |
A flag to control whether directory users that have already been added to the system are included in the
response or not. If set to true those users will be included in the response; if set to false those users will
not be included in the response. Defaults to false if not provided. |
boolean |
limit |
query |
The maximum number of matching directory users to get. If specified, the value must be between 1 and 100,
inclusive. Defaults to 100 if not provided. |
int |
search |
query |
A required non-empty value to search for directory users, using a case-insensitive prefix match. For AD company
directories, an Ambiguous Name Resolution (ANR) search is performed. For LDAP company directories, the search is
performed across various configured fields, for example displayName, emailAddress, firstName, lastName,
username. |
Response Codes
Code |
Condition |
Data type |
200 |
OK (even if no users are found). |
400 |
Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field. |
409 |
No company directories configured. |
Response Body
Media type |
Data type |
Description |
application/vnd.blackberry.directoryusers-v1+json |
Directory users
(JSON) |