Details of a user in the system.
Name | Type | constraints | Description |
domain | string | Domain name of the user. Only applies to directory-linked users, not local users. | |
customVariables | array of User custom variable | Custom variables that have been set for the user. | |
administrator | boolean | required boolean | Indicates if the user has an administrator role directly assigned or inherited via a group assignment. |
links | array of Link | Links from this user to related resources. Possible link relationships include:
guid | string | GUID of the user. | |
ecoid | string | ECOID of the user. | |
directoryId | string | Unique identifier of the user in a company directory. Only applies to directory-linked users, not local users. | |
company | string | Name of the company that the user belongs to. | |
title | string | Title of the user in the company. | |
department | string | Department name that the user belongs to. | |
officePhoneNumber | string | Office phone number. | |
homePhoneNumber | string | Home phone number. | |
mobilePhoneNumber | string | Mobile phone number. | |
streetAddress | string | Street address. | |
poBox | string | Post office (PO) box. | |
city | string | City. | |
state | string | State/province. | |
postalCode | string | Postal or ZIP code. | |
country | string | Country. | |
userDN | string | UserDN represents the distinguished name of the user. | |
userDomain | string | UserDomain represents the domain of the user. | |
lastLogin | string | Indicates the last Login date and time of a user. | |
userSource | string | User Source, could be LOCAL, LDAP or AD | |
admin | boolean | Indicates if the user has an administrator role directly assigned or inherited via a group assignment. | |
created | string | Created timestamp in ISO 8601 format. | |
userPrincipalName | string | User Principal Name | |
username | string | Username to login with. | |
displayName | string | Display name of the user. | |
firstName | string | First name. | |
lastName | string | Last name. | |
emailAddress | string | Email address. | |
customVariables | array of User custom variable | Custom variables that have been set for the user. |
{ "domain" : "", "customVariables" : [ { "name" : "%custom_pswd1%", "label" : "VPN password", "value" : "KioqKioq", "encrypted" : true }, { "name" : "%custom1%", "label" : "Region", "value" : "QW1lcmljYXM=", "encrypted" : false } ], "administrator" : true, "links" : [ { "rel" : "groups", "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups" }, { "rel" : "...", "href" : "..." } ], "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554", "ecoid" : "AnTPNzecbqn6j7+aIfV5jdc=", "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa", "company" : "BlackBerry Limited", "title" : "Associate", "department" : "Sales", "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100", "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101", "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102", "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue", "poBox" : "555", "city" : "Waterloo", "state" : "Ontario", "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9", "country" : "Canada", "userDN" : "CN=admin", "userDomain" : "", "lastLogin" : "2018-02-01T09:46:08.514Z", "userSource" : "LOCAL", "admin" : true, "created" : "2018-02-01T09:46:08.514Z", "userPrincipalName" : "", "username" : "pmorley", "displayName" : "Paul Morley", "firstName" : "Paul", "lastName" : "Morley", "emailAddress" : "" }