Certificate enrollment status Data Type

Possible certificate enrollment statuses.
As of API version 12.12.0, statuses are used for BlackBerry Dynamics certificate enrollments only.

Value Description
DELIVERED Certificate is delivered, but not yet enrolled.
VERIFIED Certificate is successfully enrolled.
FAILED Certificate enrollment failed.
DELETED Certificate is deleted by UEM.
DUPLICATE The same certificate was previously enrolled.
EXPIRED Certificate is expired and deleted by UEM.
EXPIRED_NOT_DELETED Certificate is expired, but not yet deleted by UEM.
SENT Certificate was sent, but delivery is not yet complete.
NOT_YET_VALID Certificate is delivered, but not yet used because the start date has not been reached.
DELETED_DUPLICATE Certificate has been deleted by UEM because the same certificate was previously enrolled.
IMPORTED_FROM_APP Certificate has been imported for another app and is waiting for enrollment.
MIGRATION_UPDATE Certificate has been delivered during migration update and is waiting for enrollment.
DELETED_BY_USER Certificate status is used when the provider app removes the certificate.