Applications Resource

Provides access and management of applications.

GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications

Available Since:

Get applications with a specific query or all applications. If no applications are found, an empty applications list is included in the response body.

Sample request

 GET /SRP00000/api/v1/applications?query=name=sampleApplication

Sample response body

  "applications" : [ {
    "appScanState": "Verified safe"
    "guid" : "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8",
    "os": "BB",
    "sourceName": "In Store",
    "storeName": "BlackBerry World",
    "vendorName": "BlackBerry Limited",
    "version": ""
   } ]

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
query query (Optional) Query parameter for filtering the results. The format is <field name>=<query value>, for example Multiple field-value pairs can be provided in the query with each pair separated with a comma, in which case only applications matching all of the criteria provided will be included in the response. Querying for empty/null values is not supported.

Special characters (comma, backslash) in query values must be escaped with a backslash.

By default, a case-insensitive exact match will be performed for each field in the query.

The following table describes the fields that can be used in the query.

Field Type Description
name string Name of the application. Case insensitive exact match.
packageId string Package Id of the application, it applies to Dynamics and non-Dynamics applications. Case insensitive exact match.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
200 OK (even if no applications are found).
400 Invalid search query.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.applications-v1+json Applications (JSON)

POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications

Available Since:

Add an internal non-Dynamics application with a binary.


Sample request body

app binary

Sample response body

    "appScanState": "Scanning"
    "appScanStateMessage": "The app will be scanned by CylancePROTECT."
    "guid" : "fs462e64-2c77-1609-e49c-4e127ee452d0",
    "name":"Internal HR app",
    "os": "android",
    "sourceName": "Hosted",
    "storeName": "Google Play",
    "vendorName": "Company",
    "version": "1.2"

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
Content-Disposition header The value for this required request header must follow the format of filename="<app binary filename>".
X-Secured-Type header This optional request header can only be used when creating an internal Android application, and controls the type of Android devices that the application will get sent to. Supported values: "All Android devices", "Samsung KNOX Workspace" (do not quote the value). If not specified when creating an Android application, a default of "All Android devices" will be used.
Request Body
Media type Data type
application/octet-stream object
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
201 Created.
400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
409 Application already exists.
413 Application too large.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)

POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications

Available Since:

Create an internal BlackBerry Dynamics application entitlement.


Sample request body

  "name": "Sales",
  "description": "Enterprise sales app.",
  "entitlementId": "",
  "entitlementVersion": ""

Sample response body

  "guid": "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a9",
  "name": "Sales",
  "description": "Enterprise sales app.",
  "entitlementId": "",
  "entitlementVersion": ""

Request Body
Media type Data type
application/vnd.blackberry.dynamicsapplication-v1+json BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement (JSON)
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
201 Created.
400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
409 BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement already exists.
Response Body
Media type Data type Description
application/vnd.blackberry.dynamicsapplication-v1+json BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement (JSON)

DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}

Available Since:

Delete an internal non-Dynamics application with a binary or an internal BlackBerry Dynamics app entitlement.

Request Parameters
Name Location Description
appGuid path GUID of the application or BlackBerry Dynamics application.
Response Codes
Code Condition Data type
204 Application Removed.
    404 Application not found.
    403 Not authorized to complete the request.
    403 Dynamics application entitlement is not internal.

    GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}

    Available Since:

    Get details of an application by GUID.


    Sample response body

        "appScanState": "Verified safe"
        "guid" : "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8",
        "os": "BB",
        "sourceName": "In Store",
        "storeName": "BlackBerry World",
        "vendorName": "BlackBerry Limited",
        "version": ""

    Sample response body for application with overridden profiles

         "guid": "46f9d5bb-a584-406d-a890-850d21f03ea6",
         "name": "BlackBerry Access",
         "os": "all",
         "entitlementId": "com.good.gdgma",
         "sourceName": "In Store",
         "storeName": "all",
         "securedType": "BlackBerry Dynamics",
         "vendorName": "Good Technology",
         "reviewMode": "PUBLIC",
         "entitlementVersions": [
         "compliancePolicyGuid": "281b271a-870b-4d29-8da5-0ff9b85e3ab5",
         "connectivityPolicyGuid": "86fa8991-8aeb-437e-9a3d-d52eb57e4b79",
         "securityPolicyGuid": "0bc1a21e-0b36-4b4d-acf9-1df28f058ca5"

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    appGuid path GUID of the application to get
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    200 OK.
    404 Application not found.
    503 The external server is unavailable, try again later.
    Response Body
    Media type Data type Description
    application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)

    PATCH /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}

    Available Since:

    Update any of the following fields for an internal non-Dynamics app: name, description, vendorName, categories, reviewMode. GUID does not need to be specified because it is specified in the URL. Any other fields specified will be ignored. If no changes are detected in the request, the response will indicate success without having made any changes to the internal application. Updating non-internal applications or BlackBerry Dynamics applications is not supported.


    Sample request body

        "description": "HR management application for our organization."

    Sample response body

        "guid": "fs462e64-2c77-1609-e49c-4e127ee452d0",
        "name": "Internal HR app",
        "description": "HR management application for our organization.",
        "os": "android",
        "sourceName": "Hosted",
        "storeName": "Google Play",
        "vendorName": "Company",
        "version": "1.2"

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    appGuid path
    Request Body
    Media type Data type
    application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    200 Updated.
    400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
    404 Application not found.
    Response Body
    Media type Data type Description
    application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)

    GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/configDefinition

    Available Since:

    Get the application config definition using the app GUID. The 'definition' field is deprecated for iOS and Android. Use the following route to get the config definition: GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/configDefinition/schema.

    Sample response body

       "version": 9,
       "modified": "2019-01-17T09:46:08.514Z",
       "id": 6,
       "definition": [
           "pview": {
             "id": 7,
             "type": "tabbed",
             "title": "BlackBerry Dynamics Features",
             "key": "GoodDynamicsFeatures",
             "po": [
                 "pe": {
                   "name": "GD_SDK_Security_AllowBypassUnlock",
                   "checkbox": {
                     "id": 1,
                     "label": "Allow use of Bypass Unlock in the UEM Client",
                     "value": true,
                     "key": "GD_SDK_Security_AllowBypassUnlock"
                   "id": 8
                 "desc": " - BlackBerry 2FA screen"
                 "pview": {
                   "id": 9,
                   "po": [
                       "desc": "To import certificates from an application, set the following properties."
                       "pe": {
                         "name": "certProviderAppName",
                         "id": 10,
                         "text": {
                           "numbersonly": false,
                           "maxlength": "30",
                           "id": 2,
                           "label": "App name: ",
                           "type": "text",
                           "key": "appName"
                         "desc": [
                           "App that will provide the certificates. App name will be displayed to the user"
                       "pe": {
                         "name": "certProviderUTISchemes",
                         "id": 11,
                         "text": {
                           "numbersonly": false,
                           "id": 3,
                           "label": "UTI schemes: ",
                           "type": "textarea",
                           "key": "utiSchemes"
                         "desc": [
                           "Enter comma separated UTI schemes that will be sent to the certificate provider app"
                 "pview": {
                   "sendto": [
                   "id": 12,
                   "po": [
                       "pe": {
                         "hidden": {
                           "dtype": "string",
                           "id": 4,
                           "value": "2A:5A:32:BF:68:75:D5:50:1A:2B:9E:07:78:C7:B4:A2:B0:FE:EC:C4:40:E2:CF:8C:16:10:96:3C:74:A8:49:77",
                           "key": ""
                         "name": "apkCertificateDigestSha256",
                         "id": 13
                       "pe": {
                         "hidden": {
                           "dtype": "string",
                           "id": 5,
                           "value": "com.rim.mobilefusion.client",
                           "key": ""
                         "name": "apkPackageName",
                         "id": 14

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    appGuid path GUID of the application.
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    200 OK.
    404 Application not found.
    Response Body
    Media type Data type Description
    application/vnd.blackberry.applicationconfigdefinition-v1+json Application config definition (JSON)

    GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/configDefinition/schema

    Available Since:

    Get the app config definition schema by the app GUID. A schema can be returned in XML or JSON format according to the app config definition type.

    Sample response body in XML format

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <boolean keyName="key.1">
           <string keyName="key.2">

    Sample response body in JSON format

         "id": 18,
         "po": [{
             "pe": {
                 "hidden": {
                     "dtype": "string",
                     "id": 17,
                     "value": "2.1",
                     "key": "version"
                 "name": "version",
                 "id": 19
         }, {
             "pview": {
                 "sendto": ["iOS", "Android"],
                 "id": 20,
                 "title": "TITLE | Security Policies",
                 "key": "passcodeSetting",
                 "po": [{
                     "pe": {
                         "name": "requirePasscode",
                         "checkbox": {
                             "id": 1,
                             "label": "Require User Password",
                             "value": true,
                             "key": "requirePasscode"
                         "id": 21
                 }, {
                     "pview": {
                         "heading": "Lock Screen Policies (Require Password)",
                         "id": 26,
                         "po": [{
                             "pe": {
                                 "name": "enableIdleSecreenLock",
                                 "checkbox": {
                                     "id": 5,
                                     "label": "Lock screen when idle for",
                                     "value": false,
                                     "key": "enableIdleScreenLock"
                                 "id": 27,
                                 "desc": ["Lock Screen help text ... to show desc only setting element "],
                                 "dpe_id": 21
                         }, {
                             "pe": {
                                 "select": {
                                     "input": [{
                                         "value": "120",
                                         "desc": "2 mins"
                                     }, {
                                         "value": "300",
                                         "desc": "5 mins"
                                     }, {
                                         "value": "600",
                                         "desc": "10 mins"
                                     }, {
                                         "value": "1800",
                                         "desc": "30 mins"
                                     "dtype": "number",
                                     "id": 6,
                                     "value": 300,
                                     "key": "idleScreenLockTime"
                                 "name": "idleScreenLockTime",
                                 "id": 28,
                                 "dpe_id": 27
         }, {
             "pview": {
                 "sendto": ["None"],
                 "id": 29,
                 "type": "collapsible",
                 "title": "Provisioning Policies",
                 "key": "provSettings",
                 "po": [{
                     "pe": {
                         "name": "accessKeyExpires",
                         "checkbox": {
                             "id": 11,
                             "label": "Access Key expires after",
                             "value": true,
                             "key": "expireAccessKey"
                         "id": 30
                 }, {
                     "pe": {
                         "name": "senderID",
                         "id": 32,
                         "text": {
                             "numbersonly": true,
                             "id": 13,
                             "label": "SenderID",
                             "type": "text",
                             "key": "senderid"
                 }, {
                     "pe": {
                         "name": "subject",
                         "id": 33,
                         "text": {
                             "numbersonly": false,
                             "id": 14,
                             "label": "Subject",
                             "type": "text",
                             "value": "Welcome to BlackBerry Dynamics Mobile Applications",
                             "key": "subject"
                 }, {
                     "pe": {
                         "name": "messageBody",
                         "id": 34,
                         "text": {
                             "numbersonly": false,
                             "id": 15,
                             "label": "Message",
                             "type": "textarea",
                             "value": "You have been given access to a BlackBerry Dynamics mobile application provided by your company.",
                             "key": "message"
                         "desc": ["SETTING DESCRIPTION 1st", "SETTING DESCRIPTION 2nd"]
         }, {
             "pview": {
                 "id": 43,
                 "po": [{
                     "pe": {
                         "hidden": {
                             "dtype": "number",
                             "id": 16,
                             "value": 500,
                             "key": "maxEmails"
                         "name": "maxEmails",
                         "id": 44

    Request Parameters
    Name Location Description
    appGuid path GUID of the application.
    Response Codes
    Code Condition Data type
    200 OK.
      404 Application not found.
      Response Body
      Media type Data type Description
      application/json string (JSON)
      application/xml string

      POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/configRanking

      Available Since:

      Update ranking of application configurations. All fields in request except configuration GUID are ignored. The order in which the appConfigs are provided decides the desired ranking. For example, first config will have highest rank 0, second one will have rank 1 and so on.

      Sample request body

          "appConfigs": [{
              "guid": "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8"
          }, {
              "guid": "841e0146-07d5-4963-947c-dcabe7293806"

      Request Parameters
      Name Location Description
      appGuid path GUID of the application.
      Request Body
      Media type Data type
      application/vnd.blackberry.applicationconfigs-v1+json Application configs (JSON)
      Response Codes
      Code Condition Data type
      204 Ranks updated.
        404 Application not found.
        400 Validation failure.
        Response Body
        Media type Data type Description
        application/json Application configs (JSON)

        DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/profile/{profileGuid}

        Available Since:

        Remove an overridden BlackBerry Dynamics application profile.

          Supported profile types:

        Request Parameters
        Name Location Description
        appGuid path GUID of the BlackBerry Dynamics application.
        profileGuid path GUID of the profile.
          Supported profile types:
        Response Codes
        Code Condition Data type
        204 Profile unassigned.
          400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
          404 Application not found.
          404 Profile not found.

          PUT /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/profile/{profileGuid}

          Available Since:

          Override a BlackBerry Dynamics application profile.

            Supported profile types:

          Request Parameters
          Name Location Description
          appGuid path GUID of the BlackBerry Dynamics application.
          profileGuid path GUID of the profile.
            Supported profile types:
          Response Codes
          Code Condition Data type
          204 Profile assigned.
            400 Invalid request. For example, invalid field semantics or missing required field.
            400 Profile type not supported.
            404 Application not found.
            404 Profile not found.

            PATCH /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/{osFamilyName}

            Available Since:

            Update any of the following fields for an internal BlackBerry Dynamics application: packageId, name, description, vendorName, categories, securedType (for Android), restrictedVersions.

            To override the package ID for Windows Phone 8, set "packageId", and to override for Windows 10 set "packageIdWindows10". If request contains "packageId" or "packageIdWindows10" but there is no uploaded binary, all other fields will be ignored. If request does not contain "packageId" or "packageIdWindows10", the update will happen to latest binary. If binary does not exist, an error will be returned. To clear the package ID when there is no uploaded binary, send an empty "packageId" and do not include any other field.

            GUID does not need to be specified because it is specified in the URL. Any other fields specified will be ignored.

            The field 'securedType' can only be used when updating an Android binary. It controls the type of Android devices that the application will get sent to. Supported values: "All Android devices", "Samsung KNOX Workspace" (do not quote the value).


            Sample request body

              "packageId": "",
              "description": "HR management application for our organization."

            Sample response body

                "name": "Sales app",
                "description": "HR management application for our organization.",
                "os": "android",
                "sourceName": "Hosted",
                "storeName": "Google Play",
                "vendorName": "Company",
                "version": "1.2",
                "categories": [ "Category 4", "Category 5", "Category 6" ],
                "securedType": "All Android Devices",
                "restrictedVersions": [ "1.0", "2.0" ]

            Request Parameters
            Name Location Description
            appGuid path GUID of the internal BlackBerry Dynamics entitlement to update the binary for.
            osFamilyName path OS family name of the application to update: android, ios, osx, or wp.
            Request Body
            Media type Data type
            application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)
            Response Codes
            Code Condition Data type
            200 Updated.
            204 Updated, no application to return (no package ID or binary).
              400 Failed to update.
              404 Application not found.
              Response Body
              Media type Data type Description
              application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)

              POST /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/{osFamilyName}

              Available Since:

              Add a new application binary for a specific OS to an internal BlackBerry Dynamics application entitlement. Adding an application binary for Android devices with a work profile is not supported.


              Sample request body

              app binary

              Sample response body

                  "appScanState": "Scanning"
                  "appScanStateMessage": "The app will be scanned by CylancePROTECT."
                  "os": "android",
                  "sourceName": "Hosted",
                  "storeName": "Google Play",
                  "vendorName": "Company",
                  "version": "2.3.3"

              Request Parameters
              Name Location Description
              appGuid path GUID of the internal BlackBerry Dynamics entitlement to add the binary to.
              osFamilyName path OS family name of the application binary to add: android, ios or wp (for Windows Phone 8).
              Request Body
              Media type Data type
              application/octet-stream object
              Response Codes
              Code Condition Data type
              201 Added.
              400 Failed to add app binary.
              404 Application not found.
              409 App already exists.
              413 Application too large.
              Response Body
              Media type Data type Description
              application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)

              DELETE /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/{osFamily}

              Available Since:

              Deletes an application binary version from an internal BlackBerry Dynamics application entitlement for a specific OS Family.

              Request Parameters
              Name Location Description
              appGuid path GUID of the application or BlackBerry Dynamics application.
              osFamily path the OS Family to be removed from
              Response Codes
              Code Condition Data type
              204 Application Binary Removed.
                404 Application not found.
                403 Dynamics application entitlement is not internal.
                403 Unsupported OS Family.

                GET /{tenantGuid}/api/v1/applications/{appGuid}/{osFamily}

                Available Since:

                Get details of the latest application binary for a Dynamics application GUID and a specific OS Family.

                Sample response body

                    "appScanState": "Verified safe"
                    "guid" : "aa291d31-3b51-4424-a09c-7b127ee398a8",
                    "name":"BlackBerry Access",
                    "os": "android",
                    "packageId": "com.good.gdgma",
                    "sourceName": "In Store",
                    "storeName": "Google Play",
                    "version": "",
                    "reviewMode": "PUBLIC"

                Request Parameters
                Name Location Description
                appGuid path GUID of the application to get
                osFamily path the OS Family to get
                Response Codes
                Code Condition Data type
                200 OK.
                403 Unsupported OS Family.
                404 Application not found.
                Response Body
                Media type Data type Description
                application/vnd.blackberry.application-v1+json Application (JSON)