Profile categories Data Type

Supported profile categories

Value Description
ACTIVATION Specify device activation settings for users, such as the number and types of devices
AET_ENTERPRISE Specify whether apps in the work space must connect to a work network through the BlackBerry Infrastructure
AIR_PLAY Add devices to users' AirPlay device list
AIR_PRINT Add printers to users' AirPrint printer list
BB2FA Two factor authentication
BLACKBERRY_DYNAMICS_CONNECTIVITY BlackBerry Dynamics connectivity profile.
BLACKBERRY_DYNAMICS_SECURITY Specify the device conditions that are not acceptable in your organization for BlackBerry Dynamics enrollments.
CA_CERTIFICATE Specify a CA certificate that devices can use to establish trust with a work network or server
CAL_DAV Specify server settings to synchronize calendar information on devices
CARD_DAV Specify server settings to synchronize contact information on devices
COMPLIANCE Specify the device conditions that are not acceptable in your organization
CRL Specify the CRL configurations that BlackBerry UEM can use to check the status of certificates
CUSTOM_PAYLOAD Specify custom configuration information using payload code for iOS devices
DEVICE_PROFILE Specify the organization information displayed on devices
EDP Enterprise Data Protection profile
EMAIL Specify how devices connect to a work mail server and synchronize data.
EMAILPOP Specify how devices connect to an IMAP/POP3 mail server and synchronize data.
ENTERPRISE_AUTHENTICATION Specify the configuration to use to authenticate devices
ENTERPRISE_CONNECTIVITY Specify whether apps in the work space must connect to a work network through the BlackBerry Infrastructure
GEO_LOCATION Specify the settings used to locate devices
IT_CONFIG IT policies specify what device capabilities are available to users
LDAP Specify the LDAP configuration to use
MANAGED_DOMAINS Specify managed email and web domains for iOS devices
MANAGEMENT_AGENT Specify settings for the Enterprise Management Agent
MOBILE_THREAT_DETECTION Specify settings for the Mobile Threat Detection
NETWORK_USAGE Specify whether apps can use data roaming or cellular data on iOS devices
OCSP Specify the OCSP responders that BlackBerry 10 devices can use to check the status of certificates
PROXY Specify how devices use a proxy server to access web services on the Internet or a work network
SCEP Specify the SCEP server that devices use to obtain a client certificate that is used to authenticate with a work network or server
SHARED_CERTIFICATE Specify a client certificate that devices can use to authenticate users with a work network or server
SINGLE_APP_MODE Single App Mode restricts the device to running only one application
SUPPLEMENTAL_ENROLMENT Specify what additional device capabilities are available to users
USER_CREDENTIAL Specify the CA connection that devices use to obtain a client certificate that is used to authenticate with a work network or server
USER_CERTIFICATE Upload a certificate for a user that is used to authenticate with a work network or server. Profile of this category has the following specifics:
  • Profile can be created only by uploading certificate for a user.
  • Profile appears only as a Profile Assignment for a user it was originally created.
  • Profile can be deleted as any other profile. All other profile operations are not allowed.
VPN Specify how devices connect to a work VPN
WEB_CLIP Specify a web icon or bookmark to display on devices
WEB_CONTENT_FILTER Specify permitted and restricted URLs or allowed bookmarks for supervised iOS devices
WIFI Specify how devices connect to a work Wi-Fi network