User Data Type

A user in the system.

Name Type Description
password string Base64-encoded value of the password to login with (optional). Only applies when creating or updating a local user; it will not be included in any response. Directory-linked users use their directory-configured password.
emailPassword boolean If true, email the user their password. Only applies when creating a local user with an email address and specifying their password, or when updating a local user; it will not be included in any response.
mdm boolean Only applies only when creating a user; it will not be included in any response. Set to true to have Mobile Device Management (MDM) enabled for the user to create; set to false otherwise. A user that is enabled for MDM can have their devices managed. If not provided in the request to create the user, the created user will be enabled for MDM by default.
links array of Link Links from this user to related resources. Possible link relationships include:
  • groups: Groups directly assigned to this user.
  • profiles: Profiles directly assigned to this user.
  • sharedDeviceGroup: Shared device group(s) that this user is part of.
guid string GUID of the user.
ecoid string ECOID of the user.
directoryId string Unique identifier of the user in a company directory. Only applies to directory-linked users, not local users.
company string Name of the company that the user belongs to.
title string Title of the user in the company.
department string Department name that the user belongs to.
officePhoneNumber string Office phone number.
homePhoneNumber string Home phone number.
mobilePhoneNumber string Mobile phone number.
streetAddress string Street address.
poBox string Post office (PO) box.
city string City.
state string State/province.
postalCode string Postal or ZIP code.
country string Country.
admin boolean Indicates if the user has an administrator role directly assigned or inherited via a group assignment.
created string Created timestamp in ISO 8601 format.
username string Username to login with.
displayName string Display name of the user.
firstName string First name.
lastName string Last name.
emailAddress string Email address.


  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "groups",
    "href" : "https://server01:18084/SRP00000/api/v1/users/6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554/groups"
  }, {
    "rel" : "...",
    "href" : "..."
  } ],
  "guid" : "6dd3a8e2-3f24-48c6-961a-949794f4b554",
  "ecoid" : "AnTPNzecbqn6j7+aIfV5jdc=",
  "directoryId" : "e7aad64542784faeab305304abea36fa",
  "company" : "BlackBerry Limited",
  "title" : "Associate",
  "department" : "Sales",
  "officePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0100",
  "homePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0101",
  "mobilePhoneNumber" : "(519) 555-0102",
  "streetAddress" : "2240 University Avenue",
  "poBox" : "555",
  "city" : "Waterloo",
  "state" : "Ontario",
  "postalCode" : "N2K 0A9",
  "country" : "Canada",
  "admin" : true,
  "created" : "2018-02-01T09:46:08.514Z",
  "username" : "pmorley",
  "displayName" : "Paul Morley",
  "firstName" : "Paul",
  "lastName" : "Morley",
  "emailAddress" : ""