#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
◆ BAFAnalyticsResponseCompletion
typedef void(^ BAFAnalyticsResponseCompletion) (NSError *__nullable error) API_AVAILABLE(ios(9.0)) |
- Parameters
error | The BAFAnalyticsResponse error returned if the operation fails. |
◆ BAFAnalyticsEvent
Use constants in this enumeration to indicate the type of analytics event being recorded. The methods BlackBerryAnalytics.trackFeatureEvent and BlackBerryAnalytics.trackApplicationEvent always require one of these eventTypes.
Enumerator |
BAFFeatureActive | Record the start of an event which has a specific end point.
BAFFeatureInactive | Record the end of an event which has a specific start point.
BAFAdoptionEvent | Record events or actions which occur in your application.