• BlackBerry Dynamics
  • Runtime library for Android applications

The BlackBerry Dynamics Software Development Kit for Android includes a number of libraries. These libraries can be included in the app level module of your Gradle file (app/build.gradle) as illustrated here:

Required Library:

    // BlackBerry Dynamics SDK Library for Android

    def SDK_VERSION = '11.0.+'
    implementation "com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_platform:$SDK_VERSION"   

Optional Libraries:

    // Back-Up Support
    implementation "com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_backup_support:$SDK_VERSION"

    // BlackBerry Protect Support
    implementation "com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_blackberry_protect_support:$SDK_VERSION"

    // Android SafetyNet Attestation
    implementation "com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_gd_safetynet:$SDK_VERSION"

    // Android WebView Support
    implementation "com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_webview:$SDK_VERSION"

    // Automated Testing Support
    implementation "com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:gd_automated_test_support:$SDK_VERSION"

Be sure to add BlackBerry's Maven Repository to your Gradle file.

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "https://software.download.blackberry.com/repository/maven/" }

The constituent libraries of the BlackBerry Dynamics Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android have the following purposes.


The Handheld library is the main library of the SDK for Android.

Back-Up Support

The Back-Up Support library is to facilitate use of the Android Auto Backup feature by handheld applications. See the Back-Up Support page for details.

BlackBerry Protect Support

The BlackBerry Protect Support library enables specific threat detection features. Specifically, being able to query the Android package manager to determine the apps installed on the device and scan them for malware. Including this library in your application ensures these checks can be performed automatically when required by the BlackBerry Dynamics runtime.

For applications targeting Android 10 or below, malware is automatically scanned. However, if your application targets Android 11 (API level 30) or above you will first need to check if your application falls into the category of apps permitted to use the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission. In your Play Store submission you may wish to highlight that your app requires the permission to search for all apps in order to perform anti-virus checks using BlackBerry Protect.

See Android Developer - Package Visibility. for more details on the restriction and policy.

BlackBerry WebView

Integrate Android WebView with a BlackBerry Dynamics app. The BBWebView library currently supports secure HTTP request interception for an internal network (URL loading, XML, and fetch HTTP requests), data leakage protection for cut, copy, and paste, page history navigation, and a secure cookies store.

See com.blackberry.bbwebview for details.

Android SafetyNet Attestation

The gd_safetynet library is to facilitate use of Android SafetyNet Attestation. You can use SafetyNet to extend BlackBerry root and exploit detection and to enhance app security and integrity.

See 'Implementing SafetyNet attestation for BlackBerry Dynamics apps' in the BlackBerry Dynamics Android Developer Guide on the BlackBerry Docs website.

Automated Testing Support

The Automated Testing Support Library (ATSL) includes helper functions for simulating common user interactions, such as BlackBerry Dynamics activation and authorization. There are separate helper functions for handheld and wearable applications. The configuration and structure of the library is compatible with the native Android Testing Support Library.

See the AutomatedTestingOfGDAndroidApplications.pdf file in the installed directory for an application developer guide to its use.

Back-Up Support