
public final class ThreatDeviceSoftware : Threat

Provides details of threats related to the device operating system software.

Checks are made against the device OS version and model of the device to confirm they meet the minimum standards required.

  • A Boolean value indicating whether the current device operating system has been restricted.

    For example, if the policy deems the current version of the operating system is out of date and requires upgrading. If restricted, the end user should be prompted to check for ‘Software updates’ within their device settings to update their device OS.



    public var isDeviceOSRestricted: Result<Bool, Error> { get }
  • The level of risk posed by the version of the device operating system.

    If the OS version is older than the minimum required, a medium ThreatLevel will be returned.



    public var deviceOSRisk: Result<ThreatLevel, Error> { get }
  • A Boolean value indicating whether the current device model is restricted.

    For example, if the policy deems the current model of the device is out of date or has known security flaws.



    public var isDeviceModelRestricted: Result<Bool, Error> { get }
  • The level of risk posed due to a restricted device model.

    For example, if the policy deems the current device model is out of date or has known security flaws then a high ThreatLevel will be returned.



    public var deviceModelRisk: Result<ThreatLevel, Error> { get }
  • The specific type of threat being checked



    public override var type: Result<ThreatType, Error> { get }