BlackBerry Dynamics
Runtime library for macOS applications
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AppKinetics Errors

These constants can be used for handling or generating errors when using AppKinetics. More...


Detailed Description

Errors can be generated by the AppKinetics system itself, or by service provider applications working within the system. See the individual error codes' documentation for a description of when each code is to be used, and note the following.

The NotFound codes are for use when the service, service version, or method in a request is not offered by the provider application to which the request was sent.

The Disabled codes are for use when the service, service version, and method are generally offered by the provider application, but support is currently disabled by a policy setting or other condition that is, in principle, temporary.

Variable Documentation

NSString* const GDServicesErrorDomain

This domain is for generic AppKinetics service errors. Note that this domain isn't used for errors that are specific to a service, nor for errors that are specific to a service provider application.

For an overall description of AppKinetics see the GDService class reference.

An NSError with this value as its domain could be encountered:

  • In the error parameter following a call to sendTo (GDServiceClient) where the request was not accepted by the AppKinetics system.
  • In the error parameter following a call to replyTo (GDService) where the response was not accepted by the AppKinetics system.
  • As the params object passed to an invocation of GDServiceClientDidReceiveFrom where a request that had been accepted subsequently failed in the system.

Of the above, sendTo: and GDServiceClientDidReceiveFrom: are part of the service consumer side of the AppKinetics programming interface, and replyTo: is part of the service provider side.

NSInteger const GDServicesErrorGeneral
NSInteger const GDServicesErrorNotAllowed
NSInteger const GDServicesMethodDisabled
NSInteger const GDServicesVersionDisabled
NSInteger const GDServicesServiceDisabled