• BlackBerry Dynamics
  • Runtime library for iOS applications
GD_C_FileSystem.h File Reference
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>


#define GD_C_API_EXT
#define GD_ATTRIBUTE   __attribute__


typedef size_t GD_FILE
 C API file structure, for accessing secure storage. More...
typedef size_t GD_DIR
 C API directory structure, for accessing secure storage. More...


GD_FILEGD_fopen (const char *filename, const char *mode)
 Open a file that is in the secure store, for reading or writing. More...
int GD_fclose (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Close a file that was previously opened. More...
size_t GD_fread (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Read from a file that is in the secure store, previously opened in read mode with GD_fopen. More...
size_t GD_fwrite (const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Write to a file that is in the secure store, previously opened in write mode with GD_fopen. More...
int GD_remove (const char *filename)
 Delete a file. More...
long int GD_ftell (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Get the current position of the file pointer. More...
off_t GD_ftello (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Get the current position of the file pointer. More...
int GD_fseek (GD_FILE *filePointer, long int offset, int origin)
 Set the position of the file pointer. More...
int GD_fseeko (GD_FILE *filePointer, off_t offset, int origin)
 Set the position of the file pointer. More...
int GD_fscanf (GD_FILE *filePointer, const char *format,...)
 Read formatted data from stream. More...
int GD_vfscanf (GD_FILE *filePointer, const char *format, va_list args)
 Read formatted data from stream into variable argument list. More...
int GD_feof (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Test if the file pointer is at the end of the file. More...
char * GD_tmpnam (char *str)
 Generate a unique file name. More...
int GD_truncate (const char *filename, off_t length)
 Truncate a file that is in the secure store. More...
int GD_ftruncate (GD_FILE *filePointer, off_t length)
 Truncate a file that is in the secure store. More...
GD_FILEGD_freopen (const char *filename, const char *mode, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Reopen stream with different file or mode. More...
int GD_fgetpos (GD_FILE *filePointer, fpos_t *pos)
 Get current position in stream. More...
int GD_fsetpos (GD_FILE *filePointer, const fpos_t *pos)
 Set position indicator of stream. More...
void GD_rewind (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Set position of stream to the beginning. More...
int GD_fgetc (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Get character from stream. More...
char * GD_fgets (char *buf, int count, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Get string from stream. More...
int GD_fputc (int character, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Write character to stream. More...
int GD_fputs (const char *buf, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Write string to stream. More...
int GD_fprintf (GD_FILE *filePointer, const char *format,...)
 Write formatted data to stream. More...
int GD_vfprintf (GD_FILE *filePointer, const char *format, va_list args)
 Write formatted data from variable argument list to stream. More...
int GD_rename (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
 Rename file. More...
int GD_setvbuf (GD_FILE *filePointer, char *buf, int mode, size_t size)
 Change stream buffering. More...
void GD_setbuffer (GD_FILE *filePointer, char *buf, int size)
 Change stream buffering. More...
void GD_setbuf (GD_FILE *filePointer, char *buf)
 Change stream buffering. More...
int GD_fflush (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Flush stream. More...
int GD_fsync (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Flush stream and synchronize. More...
void GD_clearerr (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Clear error indicators. More...
int GD_ferror (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Check error indicator. More...
int GD_mkdir (const char *dirname, mode_t mode)
 Create a directory at the specified path. More...
GD_DIRGD_opendir (const char *dirname)
 Open a directory at specified path. More...
int GD_closedir (GD_DIR *dirp)
 Close an already opened directory stream. More...
struct dirent * GD_readdir (GD_DIR *dirp)
 Read next directory entry. More...
int GD_readdir_r (GD_DIR *dirp, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **result)
 Read next directory entry into a buffer. More...
void GD_rewinddir (GD_DIR *dirp)
 Reset directory stream. More...
void GD_seekdir (GD_DIR *dirp, long loc)
 Set the position of a directory stream. More...
long GD_telldir (GD_DIR *dirp)
 Current location of a directory stream. More...
int GD_stat (const char *path, struct stat *buf)
 File statistics. More...
int GD_statdir (GD_DIR *dirp, const char *name, struct stat *buf)
 Obtain information about the directory or file associated with the named directory stream. More...
int GD_getc (GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Get character from stream. More...
int GD_ungetc (int character, GD_FILE *filePointer)
 Push character back onto stream. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GD_C_API_EXT


#define GD_ATTRIBUTE   __attribute__