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GD Namespace

This namespace contains whole BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Microsoft Windows. All classes, interfaces and enumerations can be found here.

Note that all asynchronous methods in the SDK for Microsoft Windows are run on a thread from threadpool, so they can be safely awaited inside STA (UI) thread without blocking it.

Public classGDAppEvent
Event dispatched from the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime.
Public classGDAppIcon
Class representing application icon data of the service provider.
Public classGDAppServerDetail
Class representing information about server which provides a service.
Public classGDAuthorizationMethod
Type of authorization used by the GDHttpProtocolFilter.
Public classGDBasicProperties
Saves and retrieves the properties of a storage item.
Public classGDCacheController

Provides access to methods for managing authorization data cache.

Public classGDClipboardManager
BBD secure clipboard manager.
Public classGDFileInputStream
Reads asynchronously data from a file.
Public classGDFileIO
Provides helper methods for reading and writing files that are represented by objects of type IGDStorageFile.
Public classGDFileOutputStream
Writes data asynchronously to a file.
Public classGDFileRandomAccessStream
Supports random access of data in input and output streams.
Public classGDFileRandomAccessStreamWithContentType
Supports random access of data in input and output streams for a specified data format.
Public classGDHttpProtocolFilter
GDHttpProtocolFilter takes a HTTP request message and produces a HTTP response message using secure BlackBerry Dynamics communication protocols.
Public classGDLogManager
Class containing methods regarding debug logs.
Public classGDPkcs12StoreHelper
BlackBerry Dynamics Certificate Store helper.
Public classGDPKICertificate
X.509 Public Key Certificate.
Public classGDPKICertificateStore
Object that is used for subscribing events for additions and removals from Good Dynamics X.509 certificate store.
Public classGDPushChannel
Manage Push Channel tokens and notifications.
Public classGDPushConnection
Manage Push Channel connection.
Public classGDSecureMimeCertificate
An X509 cerfificate used in SMIME API.
Public classCode exampleGDSecureMimeDecoder
Decoder class used to decode, decrypt and verify signature of an SMIME message.
Public classCode exampleGDSecureMimeEncoder
Encoder class used to generate a SMIME message.
Public classGDService
BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication service provider.
Public classGDServiceClient
This class is mandatory for service consumer applications within the BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) system. This class also includes the specific API for sending ICC service requests.
Public classGDServiceDetail
Details of a provided service.
Public classGDServiceError
Class transporting information about error occurred during service processing.
Public classGDServiceProvider
This class is used to return information about a service provider.
Public classGDSMIMEProcessMessageOutput
Structure used for returning data from [!:GD::GDSecureMimeDecoder::ProcessMessageAsync] function.
Public classCode exampleGDSqlite
This class is simply a wrapper around standard sqlite3 functions. Consult the sqlite3 documentation for details.
Public classGDSqliteDatabase
Utility class for wrapping sqlite3 "handles".
Public classGDSqliteStatement
Utility class for wrapping sqlite3_stmt "handles".
Public classGDStorageFile
Represents a file. Provides information about the file and its content, and ways to manipulate them.
Public classGDStorageFolder
Manages SDK secure folders and their contents and provides information about them.
Public classGDStorageStreamTransaction
Represents a write transaction for a random-access stream.
Public classGDStreamSocket
The BlackBerry Dynamics Socket API is for bi-directional data communications between the mobile application on the device and an application server. The application server can be on the Internet, or behind the enterprise firewall. Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) are supported. The BlackBerry Dynamics Socket functions cannot be called until BlackBerry Dynamics authorization processing is complete.
Public classGDUtility
Class containing methods regarding BlackBerry Dynamics Authentication.
Public classCode exampleGDWindows
BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime object interface, including authorization.
Public interfaceIGDAuthTokenResultCallback
Interface with callback methods to be used by GDUtility.
Public interfaceIGDPushChannelListener
Delegate for handling GDPushChannel state transitions and received Push Channel notification.
Public interfaceIGDPushConnectionListener
Listener for BBD Push Connection status changes.
Public interfaceIGDStorageFile

Represents a file. Provides information about the file and its contents, and ways to manipulate them.

Note If you simply want to work with files in your app, see the GDStorageFile class.

Public interfaceIGDStorageFolder

Manipulates SDK secure folders and their contents, and provides information about them.

Note If you simply want to work with SDK secure folders in your app, see the GDStorageFolder class.

Public interfaceIGDStorageFolder2

Manipulates SDK secure folders and their contents, and provides information about them.

Note If you simply want to work with SDK secure folders in your app, see the GDStorageFolder class.

Public interfaceIGDStorageItem

Manipulates storage items (files and folders) and their contents, and provides information about them.

Note If you simply want to work with BBD secure files and folders in your app, see the GDStorageFile and GDStorageFolder classes.

Public interfaceIGDStorageItem2

Manipulates storage items (files and folders) and their contents, and provides information about them.

Note If you simply want to work with files and folders in your app, see the GDStorageFile and GDStorageFolder classes.

Public delegateGDAppEventHandler
Handler for events dispatched from the BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime, including authorization events.
Public delegateGDPKICertificateEventHandler
Handler for events dispatched from Good Dynamics X.509 certificate store when certificate is added or removed.
Public delegateGDServiceRequestHandler
This callback is invoked when a service request is sent to the application within the BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) system. The parameters with which this function is called give the details of the service request.
Public delegateGDServiceResponseHandler
This callback is invoked when a response is received to a service request that was sent within the BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) system. The parameters give the details of the service response.
Public delegateGDServiceSendingFailedHandler
This callback is invoked whenever the delivery of service response/request via the BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) system fails.
Public delegateGDServiceSendingFinishedHandler
This callback is invoked whenever the delivery of a service response/request via the BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) system completes.
Public delegateGDServiceSendingPayloadStartedHandler
This callback is invoked whenever transfer of BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) payload file to service consumer/provider starts.
Public delegateGDServiceSendingStartedHandler
This callback is invoked whenever the delivery of a service response/request file attachment via the BlackBerry Inter-Container Communication (ICC) system starts. The path of the file is passed as a parameter.
Public enumerationGDAppConfigKey
Enumeration with keys used in application config.
Public enumerationGDAppEventType
Type of BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime event. See GDAppEvent.
Public enumerationGDAppResultCode
Detailed event result codes sent by BlackBerry Dynamics Runtime. See GDAppEvent.
Public enumerationGDAuthErrorCode
BlackBerry Dynamics authorization error code.
Public enumerationGDConnectionStatus
BlackBerry Dynamics Push Connection status.
Public enumerationGDHttpRequestAuthenticationMethod
Enum with different authentication methods.
Public enumerationGDSecureMimeError
These errors are used as return codes from [!:GD::GDSecureMimeDecoder] functions.
Public enumerationGDServiceErrorCode
BBD Inter-Container Communication errors codes.
Public enumerationGDServiceProviderType
Enumeration used to specify service provider type.
Public enumerationGDSMIMECertificateVerificationOptions
Certificate verification options. Used for bit fields in GDSecureMimeCertificate by using bitwise operations.
Public enumerationGDSMIMECipher
Cipher suites for encrypting in SMIME API. Used in GDSecureMimeEncoder class.
Public enumerationGDSMIMEDigest
Digest algorithms for SMIME API. Used in GDSecureMimeEncoder class.
Public enumerationGDSMIMEProcessMessageError
This enum is used to indicate success and failure of the [!:GD::GDSecureMimeDecoder::ProcessMessageAsync] function as well as possible reasons for the latter.
Public enumerationGDSMIMESignatureVerificationOptions
These options work as flags which disable parts of signature verification. Can be combined with binary operators.
Public enumerationGDSMIMESignFormat
Signing options for SMIME API. Used in GDSecureMimeEncoder class.
Public enumerationGDSqliteColumnType
Fundamental data types used to define types of DB table columns.
Public enumerationGDSqliteError
Result codes wrapper for integer results of SQLite functions.