Class: GDAppKinetics


GDAppKinetics provides the functionality of AppKinetics the ability to securely communicate between applications


(constant) storageLocation :string

Use this constant to get platform specific AppKinetics storage root location via resolveLocalFileSystemURL from cordova-plugin-bbd-file
  • string
    function(directoryEntry) {
        var appKineticsDirectoryReader = directoryEntry.createReader();
        appKineticsDirectoryReader.readEntries(function (entries) {
            console.log("AppKinetics storage entries: ", entries);
        }, function(error) {
            console.log("Error: ", error);
    }, function(error) {
        console.log("resolveLocalFileSystemURL error: ", error)


bringAppToFront(applicationId, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to bring an app to the front of the device.
Name Type Description
applicationId string ID of the app which should be brought to the front.
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions.
    function(result) {
        alert("Should be able to launch this app " + result);
    function(result) {
        alert("Application is failed to launch " + result);

callAppKineticsService(applicationId, serviceId, version, method, parameters, attachmentsNativeURL, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to call any AppKinetics service.
Name Type Description
applicationId string ID of app to send to
serviceId string ID of the service
version string Version of the service
method string Method of the service
parameters object Parameters for the service as a dictionary
attachmentsNativeURL array Array of attachments native paths (nativeURL), which must reside within secure storage, see copyFilesToSecureFileSystem
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions, check the error string returned for cause.
window.plugins.GDAppKineticsPlugin.callAppKineticsService( "",
     "com.demo.generic.call2", "", "testMethod-FileAttachment",
    { "arrayEntry-3Elements" : [ "arrayEntry1", "arrayEntry2", "arrayEntry3"],
     "dictionary" : {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}, "string" : "value" },
    [ "file:///path_to_directory_with_files/Brief GD Inter-Container Communication.pdf" ], // File attachment
    function(result) {
        alert("Email sent");
    function(result) {
        alert("Failed to send email");

canLaunchAppUsingUrlScheme(onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to check if it is currently possible to open an app using an url scheme.
Name Type Description
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions.
    function(result) {
        alert("Should be able to launch this app " + result);
    function(result) {
        alert("Application is failed to launch " + result);


Copy files from "www/data" folder into secure file system to the "/data" path from AppKinetics storage. While this is not an issue for applications using most APIs to write or read via GDCordova, there is a problem with moving files which are part of the application Bundle into the secure container. This api solves that problem and moves all files within the app bundle into the secure container.
Name Type Description
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully and the parameter to the success function is a string which contains the number of files moved.
    function(result) {
        alert("Number of files copied = " + result);

getServiceProvidersFor(serviceId, version, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to get the list of the available service providers of a specified service.
Name Type Description
serviceId string Identifier of the service
version string Version of the service
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions.
window.plugins.GDAppKineticsPlugin.getServiceProvidersFor("com.good.gdservice.transfer-file", "",
   function(result) {
       alert("Received details: " + result);
   function(result) {
       alert("An error occurred while getting the available service providers: " + result);

launchAppUsingUrlScheme(urlToLaunch, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to open an app using an URL scheme.
Name Type Description
urlToLaunch string URL which is registered to the app which should be launched.
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions.
    function(result) {
        alert("Should be able to launch this app " + result);
    function(result) {
         alert("Application is failed to launch " + result);

readyToProvideService(serviceName, versionOfService, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to provide an AppKinetics service.
Name Type Description
serviceName string Name of the service
versionOfService string Version of the service
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the app receives an app kinetics request matching serviceName and service function. The parameter received in the function is a dictionary of the received parameters and file attachments in any.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions, check the error string returned for cause.
window.plugins.GDAppKineticsPlugin.readyToProvideService( "", "",
    function(result) {
        alert("Object received from " + result.applicationName + " with service " + result.serviceName + " version - " + result.version +
             " using method - " + result.method + " with parameters - " + JSON.stringify( result.parameters ) + " and attachments - " + JSON.stringify( result.attachments ));
    function(result) {
        alert("Failed to receive email service");

retrieveFiles(onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to retreive any waiting files but only for the file transfer service.
Name Type Description
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully with a parameter of an array of file paths of the received files.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions or when no files are waiting.
   function(result) {
       alert("Files retrieved");
   function(result) {
       alert("Retrieve files is failed" + result);

sendEmailViaBBWork(toRecipients, ccRecipients, bccRecipients, subject, body, attachmentsNativeURL, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to securely compose email via "BlackBerry Work" that is service provider for [Send Email Service]( service. It calls "callAppKineticsService" method with pre-defined parameters - "com.good.gfeservice.send-email" serviceId, "" version and "sendEmail" method.
Name Type Description
toRecipients array Array of strings representing email addresses that will go into "TO" field of the email in BlackBerry Work
ccRecipients array Array of strings representing email addresses that will go into "CC" field of the email in BlackBerry Work
bccRecipients array Array of strings representing email addresses that will go into "BCC" field of the email in BlackBerry Work
subject string String representing "Subject" field of the email in BlackBerry Work
body string String representing "Body" of the email in BlackBerry Work
attachmentsNativeURL array Array of strings containing the paths of files in the BlackBerry Dynamics secure file system that will be added to "Attachments" field of the email in BlackBerry Work
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions, check the error string returned for cause.
    ["", ""],
    "Test subject",
    "Test body",
    function(result) {
        alert("Email data is successfully sent to Blackberry Work!");
    function(result) {
        alert("Failed to send email data to BlackBerry Work, check if BlackBerry Work is installed!");

sendEmailViaGFE(array, subject, text, array, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to send email via GFE (Good For Enterprise).
Name Type Description
array array Array of recipients email addresses
subject string Subject of the email
text string Text of the email
array array Array of attachments which must reside within secure storage, see copyFilesToSecureFileSystem
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions, check the error string returned for cause.
  • It will be removed in future versions. Use sendEmailViaBBWork function instead.
window.plugins.GDAppKineticsPlugin.sendEmailViaGFE( [""], "Test Email", "Hi, this is a test email", [],
    function(result) {
        alert("Email sent");
    function(result) {
        alert("Failed to send email - unless GFE is not installed - check to see if GFE is not installed");

sendFileToApp(nativeURL, applicationId, onSuccess, onError)

Call this function to send file to the app by applicationId.
Name Type Description
nativeURL string Native path (nativeURL) for the file to send.
applicationId string ID of the app to which the file is sent.
onSuccess function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully.
onError function Callback function to invoke for error conditions.
    "file:///path_to_directory_with_files/Brief GD Inter-Container Communication.pdf",
    function(result) {
        alert("Should be able to send file " + result);
    function(result) {
        alert("Send file is failed  " + result);


Call this function to set a function to be called for all files received but only for the file transfer service. Any currently waiting files will be delivered immediately.
Name Type Description
receiveFileFunction function Callback function to invoke when the function returns successfully with a parameter of an array of file paths of the received files.
    function(result) {
        alert("Files retrieved");